- Nov 03, 2021
Geo Ster authored
* The instruction decoding was based on the handy table in ps2tek [1] while the instructions themselves were written based on the document added. * The implementation makes heavy use of bitfields and unions in C++ to make accessing different bits/sections of registers easier and more intuitive. You may also notice the frequent casting (uint32_t)(int16_t) which might seem useless but is there to force the compiler to generate instructions to sign extend the offsets. [1] https://psi-rockin.github.io/ps2tek/#eeinstructiondecoding
- Oct 31, 2021
Geo Ster authored
* This commit adds a most basic CPU class that acts as a template which we will slowly build. * The architecture is pretty simple; the ComponentManager will create all the seperate components (EE, VP, IOP, GS etc) as unique_ptr's since it owns them and only it has access to them. All the other components must pass through the manager to read/write data to memory. To achieve this they are given a pointer to the ComponentManger in their constructor. * For now the CPU directly accesses the bios which shouldn't happen but will be fixed eventually when I implement generic read/writes. The goal is to start implementing the CPU as fast as possible in order to get to the GPU/VPU's and display something!