- Jan 19, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* This commit doesn't implement any specific component or behaviour, rather it fixes another set of bugs that I found during testing.
- Jan 16, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* Implementing IOP components is probably the hardest task in a PS2 emulator, even compared to complex chips like the VUs. That is because almost every single component in the IOP is completetly undocumented so emulators have to make assumptions and reverse engineer them to figure out what they do. This commit adds support three new IOP components. * The DVD drive is quite simple in concept. It accepts two types of commands, S commands (synchronous) and N commands (asynchronous). Async commands are used mainly for seeks and reads, so the CPU doesn't have to wait for the drive to fetch the data. On the other hand S commands complete instantly and are used for more misc operations. * Both types of commands contain three registers; one stores the current command, the other acts as the status register and the third register either gives the current command output (read) or stores the parameters of the command (write). * SIO2 is very peculiar since very little is actually known about it. It is responsible for managing peripherals like the memory card or the DualShock controller. The CPU first sends a peripheral byte that informs about the target peripheral, then a command and waits for a reply. The SEND3 array contains the command size for each SIO2 command. * Since in this case the gamepad gets accessed, that needs to be implemented. To prevent this commit message from getting extermely long, because the gamepad is very complex in its operation, I will talk about it in another time. Check out the new txt file in the docs folder for more info
- Jan 10, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* Next the IOP DMA controller initiates an SPU2 transfer. However similarly to SIF0/SIF1 when a transfer finishes, an irq is generated in the SPU STAT register. * After searching on github for any details on this particular register, I found a hacky snippet DobieStation that seems to properly initialize the SPU2 (according to the logs) so I'll use it here.
- Jan 09, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* Fixed bug when writing to DICR/DICR2 flag field * Fixed definition of the DMAC tag * SIF0 doesn't use the id field, apparently? * Allow writing to some specific regions of the BIOS With these changes OSDSYS has now started loading! The BIOS is initiallizing the SPU2, probably to play that boot up charm the PS2 does.
- Jan 08, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* The original code was using brute force to ensure correct results but was very expensive, doing 2 * 30 = 60 loops. So I rewrote it to use __builtin_clz to count the bits instead, leading to noticeable speedup.
Geo Ster authored
* This commit was intended to start the DMA implementation, but quickly turned to a tedious bug fixing journey. So in return for having my soul drained from all the debugging, the following bugs were fixed: * Fixed bug that caused incorrect IOP and EE timer writes * Fixed bug that caused interrupts to not trigger (NOTE: This is an error on ps2tek and more specifically with the use of the I_CTRL register) * Fixed handling of some virtual addresses (0x2*) (The program doesn't notify me when out of bounds writes happen for some reason?) * Fixed handling of DICR2 register in the IOP DMA and * Fixed INT1 interrupts running endlessly * Fixed incorrect int1_pending field position in COP0 status In addition to the above bugfixes some new additions needed to be made to make DMA work: * Added VBLANK ON/OFF interrupts * Added INT1 interrupt detection * Added some new EE instructions related to exception handling. * Added syscall support So after all of that, at least the program started running normally again and I could begin with the DMA implementation. SIF0/SIF1 are quite confusing since nowhere in ps2tek does it mention where that data comes from. Thankfully I came across this linux kernel commit [1] which specified that there exists a bidirection FIFO in the SIF that sends data from either side to the other. There are problems however. The EE DMAC works exclusively with qwords or 4 word packets, while the IOP DMA only sends words. Also the DMAC tags are 128bit while the IOP tags are 64bit. So even though I would have liked to use qwords in the fifo, I was forced to switch to 32bit values to have finer control on how much data gets used. Other things to note are that the EE/IOP can start DMA transfer without the FIFO having any data. In that case the transfer stalls and waits until the other side starts filling it. A typical sequence goes as follows: 1. The EE starts a SIF0 transfer, waiting for the IOP to send data. 2. The IOP starts a SIF0 transfer, pushing data from its RAM to the fifo. 3. The EE notices and starts taking that data to form a DMA tag (when the fifo reaches a size bigger than 4 words of course) 5. The transfer completes and INT1 is asserted. 6. An exception is triggered and the exception handler checks the data that was written. If any of those steps above go wrong (IOP sends too much data, EE receives it too early, the data is not written to the correct address) the whole process will be stuck in an infinite loop. Now figure out what happened in between the 1000+ instructions that were executed... At least it seems to be working quite well now. Note that this is not the final implementation of the DMA. Normally only one channel can trasfer data in a single cycle while in our current implementation all the channels are checked. I have a request system in mind, that should fix this but right now I really want some graphics on screen as fast as possible. [1] https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/linux-mips/patch/fb79dab2db2bfa9a06e96c211d27423d0c51399c.1567326213.git.noring@nocrew.org/
- Jan 05, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* The read function of the SIF causes massive logspam, especially when component poll a specific register non-stop. Removing the logging also makes the code much faster * Some syscalls, especially 0x7A get called really often and fill up the whole console really quickly. Don't log unknown syscalls and add ability to disable exception logging. Now the logs are much cleaner
Geo Ster authored
* The ERET instruction doesn't have a branch delay slot so the direct_jump function must be used * When skipping the branch delay slot don't return as that skips all the cycles left to execute * The CPU has now entered an infinite loop waiting for data from the 0x8c440 address. This probably means it's time for DMA
Geo Ster authored
* Finally we can start executing some kernel functions now. Executing syscalls is very straightforward; just create an exception of type 8 and the handler will handle the rest. This is the first time the exception handler is used on the EE so I'm bit anxious whether it will be bug free. * Log each syscall and print its name instead of just a simple number. Known syscalls along with their ids are on ps2devwiki [1] [1] https://playstationdev.wiki/ps2devwiki/index.php?title=Syscalls
Geo Ster authored
* The COP0 code was hacky and didn't report unknown TLB instructions. This caused an infinite loop when the program was calling ERET to exit the current syscall without me knowing. * Fix up the code a little and add the DI and ERET instructions
Geo Ster authored
Shrinks the log file size from 4GB to 2GB
- Jan 04, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* The old code was pretty complicated and bad. Reorganize the register structs and simplify the reading/writing process.
Geo Ster authored
* VU0 tries to access address 0x4210 which maps to the VU1 I/O registers. Currently we don't have VU1 support so abort when trying to write to these locations
Geo Ster authored
* The interrupt raised flags should be cleared when mode is written. In addition the raised flag should not get set unless the interrupt has actually been fired
Geo Ster authored
* Instead of ticking each component, each cycle which is expensive most emulators tick each components for specific cycles until they complete a frame which is rendered in the end. This decreases the accuracy by a tiny margin but no PS2 game can be cycle dependant enough to notice. * The timing information was sourced from my PS2 Slim with the hardware test that was uploaded in a recent commit.
Geo Ster authored
* This register is pretty undocumented even though it's crucial for EE <-> IOP synchronization. I asked a dev PCSX2 dev about this and I was linked the code PCSX2 uses, so I will use it here as well.
Geo Ster authored
* From now on, sometimes I have to rely on hardware tests to accurately measure timings or other info the emulator needs. This test was originally written by refraction for use with DobieStation. I touched up the code a bit and wrote a small build script for anyone who wants to run it on their own console.
- Jan 03, 2022
Geo Ster authored
- Jan 02, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* Add support for a variety of new bit and memory shifting instructions. These include LDL/LDR/SDL/SDR/DSRL32/DSRAV etc. * Fix a small bug in SRA where the value would only be written to the lower word instead of the dword. * Finally the BIOS has finished the initialization phase now! # Initialize Done. * Now the IOP has entered an inifite loop waiting for the EE to wake it up. This will be added in the upcoming SIF implementation.
Geo Ster authored
* There's not much to explain on the COP1, it's just an FPU that has similar quirks to the VUs. Currently very little instructions are required from it * Also capture IOP console output, by handling calls to the putc function Code "borrowed" from DobieStation [1] [1] https://github.com/PSI-Rockin/DobieStation/blob/40c9b01f50bc04debad809b3bad1cf51e7e7e495/src/core/emulator.cpp#L1201
Geo Ster authored
* For now it's only a basic class that handles reads/writes to the IPU.
Geo Ster authored
* Next up the BIOS starts initializing the Vector Interface (VIF), which is used to communicate with VU1 and VU0 (when it's in micro mode). It has its own register set which is easy to implement as shown and a fifo, similar to the GIF FIFO. The fifo receives 128bit qwords sequentially. Each VIF "packet", starts with a 32bit header that tells the VIF which command to execute. Some headers are standalone, meaning that another command header will follow them, while for others some 32bit data words will be sent after (for exampe STROW/STCOL). * In the future I will change this to be an actual fifo structure, because some fifos in the PS2 can be blocked, meaning that they queue up written data until the component that blocked them, lifts the block. For now though this will do. * Also allow writing to code and data memory for VU0 to reduce the logspam a little Sources: https://psi-rockin.github.io/ps2tek/#vif
- Jan 01, 2022
Geo Ster authored
* The bios uses them to initialize the VU0 registers. For now I don't check for overflow but I think it's going to become necessary in the near future.
Geo Ster authored
* Early on the IOP continiously reads from 0x1F402005 which is the N command status register [1], to know if it's ready or not. So it be safe, let's report that the drive is ready by returning 0x40 (bit 6 set) [1] https://psi-rockin.github.io/ps2tek/#cdvdioports
Geo Ster authored
* The VUs are custom made SIMD processors used to accelerate math operations on vectors and matrices. This doesn't seem that bad but in reality they are probably the hardest piece of hardware on the PS2 to emulate correctly. That is for two reasons: 1. Not much documentation 2. Complex and confusing pipeline The first it pretty self explanatory. However the second reason, the pipeline is what makes them so hard. Normally, even in LLE emulators we don't care about the internal pipeline of the chips, as it doesn't affect the result of the instructions themselves, it just makes them run faster. The CPU doesn't expose its pipeline to the target program. Some architectures are different. MIPS for example has branch delay slots which in reality are a pipeline quirk. Generally the more pipeline quirks you expose to the program the more complex it is to emulate correctly. The VUs basically expose their full pipeline... For now we only support a portion of the macro mode instruction set. The pipeline is going to come when the VU starts executing micro programs and when I figure out how it works...
- Dec 29, 2021
Geo Ster authored
* The BIOS now continues by initializing the DMA Controller. This is one of the most important hardware components of the PS2, as it assists the EE with transfering data where it needs to be. I've even read that at times it can do more work than the EE itself. * Since the DMAC isn't used at this stage, we only really have to implement its registers and reads/writes to them, which is pretty easy. However one register D_CTRL is a bit quirky in a sense that writes to it clear/reverse its bits, not overwrite them. * To emulate this, an additional struct is added to the register unions and bitwise operators are used to write to the upper and lower parts of the register appropriately. You can look into the source code for more details. * This allows the EE to start initializing the VU1 which is quite exciting!
Geo Ster authored
Geo Ster authored
* Allows us to progress futher into the initialization phase
Geo Ster authored
* Yeah, timers again, my favourite topic... To be frank the EE timers are a bit simpler than the IOP timers as they have less complexity in their configuration. However, since the BIOS starts to use them at this point, we can't get away with a extermelly partial implementation like the IOP. * The Emotion Engine has four hardware timers, each of them having three registers (four on Timer 0 and 1). They are practically the same with the IOP in that regard, having a count a compare/target and a mode register. Timer 0 and 1 have an additional register Tn_HOLD which keeps track of the count value when a peripheral on the SBUS generates an interrupt. * All the timers increment based on the bus clock which is exactly half of the EE clock. The timers can also be configured to count based on external sources, namely hblank and vblank. These are less accurate but can be used to keep track when the screen refreshes. I had hoped that we could have ignored hblank for now, but the BIOS configures Timer 3 (used for BIOS alarms) to use it so implementing it is necessary. The timings were taken from the timer header [1] of the ps2sdk. * An interesting fact as well is the interrupts as edge triggered which means that an interrupt is sent to the EE when the raised flags in Tn_MODE switch from 0 to 1 [2]. This is easy to implement and so did I, to avoid any headaches in the future. * Since the EE ticks the timers directly, we can't increment the counters each time the function get called. To properly emulate the timer frequency, an internal counter is used, that when its value is equal to the ratio between the EE frequency and the timer clock, the real counter is incremented. * This can be expensive since the timer function gets called every EE cycle so we will probably change it to cycle adding in the future, especially when the JIT will be implemented. [1] https://github.com/ps2dev/ps2sdk/blob/master/ee/kernel/include/timer.h#L53 [2] https://psi-rockin.github.io/ps2tek/#eetimers
- Dec 27, 2021
Geo Ster authored
Geo Ster authored
* Firstly, I fixed a small bug in the Handler that caused data loss on 128bit operations. * The GIF is a marvellous and complicated little piece of hardware that handles transfers between the EE and the GS. It can be "fed" by three paths, PATH1 is from the VPU1 memory, PATH2 is from the VPU1 FIFO and PATH3 is directly from the main bus. Since we don't have any VUs implemented we only care about PATH3 at this stage. * Each primitive sent has the form of a linked list. The EE first sends an 128bit GIFTag that acts as the header and tells the GIF how much more data to expect and what to do with it. The loop ends when the EE sends a GIFTag with the EOP field set to 1. (EE User's Manual [150]) * Each data packet after a GIFTag can be processed in three different ways depending on the FLG field of the tag; PACKED, REGLIST or IMAGE mode. For now we only care about PACKED. * When in PACKED mode, the EE will send NREG * NLOOP (specified in GIFtag) qwords after the tag. Each qword can be processed in different ways depending on the desc in REG field of the GIFTag. Page 152 of the EE User's Manual shows the different modes. The REG field though is in reality a bit array of 4-bit descriptors. To understand this better, here are the processing steps: 1. The first qword after the GIFTag is processed based on the least significant bits (64:67) (the first descriptor) and is output 2. The second qword is processed based on the next descriptor (68:71) (second descriptor) and is output 3. Steps 1,2 are repeated NREG times. 4. Steps 2,3 are repeated NLOOP times There are more variables we have to take into account with PATH3, because it can also be masked by other PATHs which have higher priority. But that is for later. Don't worry though if you didn't get it completetly. The GIF is nowhere near finished, so I will have more chances to explain how it works. For more info you can read the GIF chapter of the provided EE User's Manual.
- Dec 26, 2021
Geo Ster authored
Geo Ster authored
* Since the components will never give pages directly, let them use addresses instead and compute the page in the register function to save some work on the component side.
Geo Ster authored
* Initially the LQ/SQ instructions were implemented to perform two sequential 64bit operations to emulate 128bit reads/writes. However this won't work well for us, especially when writing to the GIF FIFO. To mitigate this we can use the __int128 gcc extension (yay for switching to clang once again!), which provides us with an optimized way of storing 128bit data.
Geo Ster authored
* Until now the memory system didn't take into account the bit width of the data coming in and out of the handlers. Instead I assumed that 64bits would be large enough for everything. But alas I was wrong. Some addresses (notably the GIF/IPU FIFOs) are read/written with 128bit values. I don't want to force every function to return __int128 types as that would cripple performance so some tweaks were needed. This isn't as hard as it might sound. The emulator read/write functions are templates so we know which type we want beforehand. So it's as simple as abstracting the Handler with a bit more inheritence magic and we can cast HandlerBase to the type we want.
Geo Ster authored
Currently there's nothing really of note, it's just an empty class that handles reads/writes to some of the registers. The functionality will be explained in subsequent commits. Along with this I've added a new document, from which, the GIF implementation will be based on.
Geo Ster authored
* The handler table is dynamically but the memory never gets deallocated. Plug the leak by clearing any memory in the destructor ;)
Geo Ster authored
They cause too much logspam for now and we don't use them
Geo Ster authored
* Remove cycle argument, we don't need it as we tick the timers each IOP cycle * Make the code a bit cleaner
- Dec 25, 2021
Geo Ster authored
This commit fixes some issues preventing IOP interrupts from working correctly while also seperating them into a seperate class for convenience. * Previously the pending flag was written to the first bit of cause.IP, which while correct was flawed. To understandw why let's look at how interrupts get triggered. COP0 has 2 8 bit masks, IP (cause) and Im (status). On both of these registers the first 2 bits are ignored because they are used for software interrupts which are unsupported on the IOP. However while Im was including these unused bits, IP did not thus causing mistaken comparions. Below is a diagram that shows the issue. IP was bits 10-15 while Im was bits 8-15. Comparing diffent ranges like this doesn't work. Cause: ... 00|111111| ... Status: ... |00111111| ... The fix was to make IP point to 8-15 range and adjust the writing mechanism in the INTR::interrupt_pending function. * In addition the usage of >= instead of == in the timers, caused a bug where the timer would continiously send interrupts after reaching target which is not the intended behaviour. Fix that as well.