Geo Ster authored
* Since log output is getting very large, it's common to have to wait 5+ minutes before any unknow instruction is encoutered. Printing to the console actually takes a lot of time and slows down interpretation significantly. Right now we don't care, since we just want to boot the BIOS but let's have an option to disable all the log messages if we want. * In addition record all writes to 0xb000f180 which is the BIOS console output address, so we can have some output, which will be very useful
Geo Ster authored* Since log output is getting very large, it's common to have to wait 5+ minutes before any unknow instruction is encoutered. Printing to the console actually takes a lot of time and slows down interpretation significantly. Right now we don't care, since we just want to boot the BIOS but let's have an option to disable all the log messages if we want. * In addition record all writes to 0xb000f180 which is the BIOS console output address, so we can have some output, which will be very useful
ee.hpp 3.04 KiB
#pragma once
#include <cpu/cop0.hpp>
#include <array>
/* Nice interface for instructions */
struct Instruction {
union {
uint32_t value;
struct { /* Used when polling for the opcode */
uint32_t : 26;
uint32_t opcode : 6;
struct {
uint32_t immediate : 16;
uint32_t rt : 5;
uint32_t rs : 5;
uint32_t opcode : 6;
} i_type;
struct {
uint32_t target : 26;
uint32_t opcode : 6;
} j_type;
struct {
uint32_t funct : 6;
uint32_t sa : 5;
uint32_t rd : 5;
uint32_t rt : 5;
uint32_t rs : 5;
uint32_t opcode : 6;
} r_type;
uint32_t pc;
Instruction operator=(const Instruction& instr)
value = instr.value;
pc = instr.pc;
return *this;
union Register {
uint64_t dword[2] = {};
uint32_t word[4];
constexpr uint8_t SPECIAL_OPCODE = 0b000000;
constexpr const char* const REG[] =
"zero", "at", "v0", "v1",
"a0", "a1", "a2", "a3",
"t0", "t1", "t2", "t3",
"t4", "t5", "t6", "t7",
"s0", "s1", "s2", "s3",
"s4", "s5", "s6", "s7",
"t8", "t9", "k0", "k1",
"gp", "sp", "fp", "ra"
class ComponentManager;
/* A class implemeting the MIPS R5900 CPU. */
class EmotionEngine {
EmotionEngine(ComponentManager* parent);
~EmotionEngine() = default;
/* CPU functionality. */
void tick();
void reset_state();
void fetch_instruction();
/* Memory operations */
template <typename T>
T read(uint32_t addr);
template <typename T>
void write(uint32_t addr, T data);
/* Opcodes */
void op_cop0(); void op_mfc0(); void op_sw();
void op_special(); void op_sll(); void op_slti();
void op_bne(); void op_ori(); void op_addi();
void op_lq(); void op_lui(); void op_jr(); void op_addiu();
void op_tlbwi(); void op_mtc0(); void op_lw(); void op_mmi();
void op_madd1(); void op_jalr(); void op_sd(); void op_jal();
void op_sra(); void op_regimm(); void op_bgez(); void op_addu();
void op_daddu(); void op_andi(); void op_beq(); void op_or();
void op_mult(); void op_divu(); void op_beql(); void op_mflo();
void op_sltiu(); void op_bnel(); void op_sync(); void op_lb();
void op_swc1(); void op_lbu(); void op_ld(); void op_j();
void op_sb(); void op_div(); void op_mfhi(); void op_sltu();
void op_blez(); void op_subu(); void op_bgtz(); void op_movn();
void op_slt(); void op_and(); void op_srl(); void op_dsll32();
void op_dsra32(); void op_dsll(); void op_lhu(); void op_bltz();
ComponentManager* manager;
/* Registers. */
Register gpr[32];
uint32_t pc;
uint64_t hi0, hi1, lo0, lo1;
uint32_t sa;
Instruction instr, next_instr;
/* FPU (COP1) registers */
Register fpr[32];
uint64_t fcr0, fcr31;
bool skip_branch_delay = false;
/* Scratchpad */
uint8_t scratchpad[16 * 1024];
/* Coprocessors */
COP0 cop0;