Geo Ster authored
* The bios uses them to initialize the VU0 registers. For now I don't check for overflow but I think it's going to become necessary in the near future.
Geo Ster authored* The bios uses them to initialize the VU0 registers. For now I don't check for overflow but I think it's going to become necessary in the near future.
vu0.cc 5.35 KiB
#include <cpu/vu/vu0.h>
#include <cpu/ee/ee.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
namespace vu
VU0::VU0(ee::EmotionEngine* parent) :
/* W = 1.0f on VF00 */
regs.vf[0].w = 1.0f;
void VU0::special1(ee::Instruction instr)
uint32_t function = instr.value & 0x3f;
VUInstr vu_instr = { .value = instr.value };
switch (function)
case 0b101100:
return op_vsub(vu_instr);
case 0b110000:
return op_viadd(vu_instr);
case 0b111100 ... 0b111111:
return special2(instr);
fmt::print("[VU0] Unimplemented special1 macro operation {:#08b}\n", function);
void VU0::special2(ee::Instruction instr)
uint32_t flo = instr.value & 0x3;
uint32_t fhi = (instr.value >> 6) & 0x1f;
uint32_t opcode = flo | (fhi * 4);
VUInstr vu_instr = { .value = instr.value };
switch (opcode)
case 0b0000100: op_vsuba(vu_instr); break;
case 0b0001000: op_vmadda(vu_instr); break;
case 0b0001100: op_vmsuba(vu_instr); break;
case 0b0010000: op_vitof0(vu_instr); break;
case 0b0111111: op_viswr(vu_instr); break;
case 0b0110101: op_vsqi(vu_instr); break;
fmt::print("[VU0] Unimplemented special2 macro operation {:#09b}\n", opcode);
void VU0::op_cfc2(ee::Instruction instr)
uint16_t id = instr.r_type.rd;
uint16_t rt = instr.r_type.rt;
auto ptr = (uint32_t*)®s + id;
cpu->gpr[rt].dword[0] = (int32_t)*ptr;
fmt::print("[VU0] CFC2: GPR[{}] = VI[{}] ({:#x})\n", rt, id, *ptr);
void VU0::op_ctc2(ee::Instruction instr)
uint16_t id = instr.r_type.rd;
uint16_t rt = instr.r_type.rt;
auto ptr = (uint32_t*)®s + id;
*ptr = cpu->gpr[rt].word[0];
fmt::print("[VU0] CTC2: VI[{}] = GPR[{}] ({:#x})\n", id, rt, *ptr);
void VU0::op_qmfc2(ee::Instruction instr)
uint16_t fd = instr.r_type.rd;
uint16_t rt = instr.r_type.rt;
cpu->gpr[rt].qword = regs.vf[fd].qword;
uint64_t upper = (regs.vf[fd].qword >> 64);
fmt::print("[VU0] QMFC2: GPR[{}] = VF[{}] ({:#x}{:016x})\n", rt, fd, upper, (uint64_t)regs.vf[fd].qword);
void VU0::op_qmtc2(ee::Instruction instr)
uint16_t fd = instr.r_type.rd;
uint16_t rt = instr.r_type.rt;
regs.vf[fd].qword = cpu->gpr[rt].qword;
uint64_t upper = (cpu->gpr[rt].qword >> 64);
fmt::print("[VU0] QMTC2: VF[{}] = GPR[{}] ({:#x}{:016x})\n", fd, rt, upper, (uint64_t)cpu->gpr[rt].qword);
void VU0::op_viswr(VUInstr instr)
uint16_t is = instr.is;
uint16_t it = instr.it;
/* VI[is] contains the address divided by 16 */
uint32_t address = regs.vi[is] * 16;
auto ptr = (uint32_t*)&data[address];
fmt::print("[VU0] VISWR Writing VI[{}] = {:#x} to address {:#x} (", it, regs.vi[it], address);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/* If the component is set in the dest mask */
if (instr.dest & (1 << i))
fmt::print("{}, ", "XYZW"[i]);
*(ptr + i) = regs.vi[it] & 0xffff;
void VU0::op_vsub(VUInstr instr)
uint16_t fd = instr.fd;
uint16_t fs = instr.fs;
uint16_t ft = instr.ft;
fmt::print("[VU0] VSUB: VF[{}] = VF[{}] - VF[{}] (", fd, fs, ft);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/* If the component is set in the dest mask */
if (instr.dest & (1 << i))
fmt::print("{}, ", "XYZW"[i]);
regs.vf[fd].x = regs.vf[fs].x - regs.vf[ft].x;
void VU0::op_vsqi(VUInstr instr)
uint16_t fs = instr.fs;
uint16_t it = instr.it;
/* VI[is] contains the address divided by 16 */
uint32_t address = regs.vi[it] * 16;
auto ptr = (uint32_t*)&data[address];
fmt::print("[VU0] VSQI Writing VF[{}] = {:#x} to address {:#x} (", fs, (uint64_t)regs.vf[fs].qword, address);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/* If the component is set in the dest mask */
if (instr.dest & (1 << i))
fmt::print("{}, ", "XYZW"[i]);
*(ptr + i) = regs.vf[fs].word[i];
void VU0::op_viadd(VUInstr instr)
uint16_t id = instr.id;
uint16_t is = instr.is;
uint16_t it = instr.it;
fmt::print("[VU0] VIADD VI[{}] = VI[{}] ({:#x}) + VI[{}] ({:#x})\n", id, is, regs.vi[is], it, regs.vi[it]);
regs.vi[id] = regs.vi[is] + regs.vi[it];
void VU0::op_vsuba(VUInstr instr)
uint16_t fs = instr.fs;
uint16_t ft = instr.ft;
fmt::print("[VU0] VSUBA Writing VF[{}] - VF[{}] (", fs, ft);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/* If the component is set in the dest mask */
if (instr.dest & (1 << i))
fmt::print("{}, ", "XYZW"[i]);
acc.fword[i] = regs.vf[fs].fword[i] - regs.vf[ft].fword[i];
void VU0::op_vmadda(VUInstr instr)
uint16_t fs = instr.fs;
uint16_t ft = instr.ft;
fmt::print("[VU0] VMADDA Writing VF[{}] * VF[{}] (", fs, ft);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/* If the component is set in the dest mask */
if (instr.dest & (1 << i))
fmt::print("{}, ", "XYZW"[i]);
acc.fword[i] += regs.vf[fs].fword[i] * regs.vf[ft].fword[i];
void VU0::op_vmsuba(VUInstr instr)
uint16_t fs = instr.fs;
uint16_t ft = instr.ft;
fmt::print("[VU0] VMSUBA Writing VF[{}] - VF[{}] (", fs, ft);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/* If the component is set in the dest mask */
if (instr.dest & (1 << i))
fmt::print("{}, ", "XYZW"[i]);
acc.fword[i] -= regs.vf[fs].fword[i] * regs.vf[ft].fword[i];
void VU0::op_vitof0(VUInstr instr)