The Teckids e. V. is financed, apart from the low membership fees and partial participation fees, exclusively by donations.
Donations help us to organize events like FrogLabs or Hack'n'Fun. Above all, however, we are dependent on financial resources for the daily work of the association. Daily activities include:
..* Workday for junior members
..* Attending conferences with junior members
..* Financing workshop participation for children with limited financial resources
All these important activities must be made possible so that we can take good care of all children, both members and participants. Therefore we are happy about every donation, regardless of the amount.
## Sponsoring-Facts
If you as a company are interested in the Teckids e. V. with a sponsorship, please do not hesitate to contact us. You will find our sponsorship facts in the following document.
## Possibilities for donations
### SEPA transfers
Our bank details for conventional SEPA transfers are:
*Account holder:* Teckids e.V.
*Bank:* Sparkasse KölnBonn
*IBAN:* DE31 3705 0198 1933 0485 46
### Liberapay
iberapay is a free alternative to PayPal. We recommend to prefer Liberapay Paypal, because Liberapay is a trusted provider or is a service provider.
Donations via Liberapay are possible here.
### PayPal
As a possibility for donations from abroad to avoid high fees is PayPal. We recommend to refrain from using PayPal if another way is possible, as PayPal is not a trusted money transfer service provider. Donations via PayPal are possible to the payee vorstand@teckids. org or via this donation link.
## Grant certificates
The Teckids e. V. issues a tax-effective donation receipt for each donation. Please contact us and include your donation amount, your full name and address.