msgid "This comment is for the team only. You can write down everything youwould like to give us as feedback here."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Comment for the website"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "This comment is for the report on our website. Tell in detail about whatyou experienced, what you liked, what you learned and everything elseyou can think of."
msgid "What information would you like to use to publish your comment?"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "If you want to contribute photos to the report, you can upload them here. You canselect multiple files in most file selection dialogs with CTRL + click."
msgid "If you have a voucher for the event, enter the code here.It will be charged automatically."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Parents: I authorize the creditor e.V., Rochusstr. 2-4, 53123 Bonn withcreditor ID DE70FZT00001497650, to collect the participant fee from my accountonce using the SEPA core direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my bank toredeem the SEPA core direct debit withdrawn from my account by e.V."
msgid "If your parents want to pay by SEPA direct debit,please let them fill out this field."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Parents: My child filled out the registration form together with me, but myself,and I agree to the participation, the terms of use and the terms and conditions.I am aware that the registration is binding and that withdrawal is only possiblein exceptional cases with a valid reason. In addition, I agree to pay theparticipation fee in advance and agree to the reimbursement guidelinesmentioned above."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "I consent to the processing of my data as stated in theterms of use and all the data provided is correct. If I am under theage of 16, my parents also agree to this and I can prove this on request(e.g. by making contact with my parents)."
msgid "Please enter the first name of the legal guardian who will fill in the registrationwith you and who can be reached during the event in an emergency."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Guardians last name"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Please enter the last name of the legal guardian who will fill in the registrationwith you and who can be reached during the event in an emergency."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Guardians mobile number"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "We need the mobile phone number for emergencies if weurgently need to reach your parents during the event."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Guardians email address"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Voucher code"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "If you have a voucher code, type it in here."
msgid "Your mobile number helps us to reach you in an emergency during the event, e.g.if you are alone with your group at a conference or similar. If you don't have acell phone, you can leave the field blank."
msgid "For various reasons, e.g. because we have to keep gender segregation during the nightfor legal reasons, we need to know if you are a boy or a girl. With some names this isnot always immediately recognizable, so we ask you to indicate it here."
msgid "Please enter the name of your school as exactly as it should be written."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "School place"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Enter the place (city) where your school is located (without a district)."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "School class"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Please enter the class you are going to (e.g. 8a)."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Parents: I authorize the creditor e.V., Rochusstr. 2-4, 53123 Bonn withcreditor ID DE70FZT00001497650, to collect the participant fee from my accountonce using the SEPA core direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my bankto redeem the SEPA core direct debit withdrawn from my account by e.V."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "Parents: My child filled out the registration form together with me, but myself,and I agree to the participation, the terms of use and the terms and conditions.I am aware that the registration is binding and that withdrawal is only possiblein exceptional cases with a valid reason. In addition, I agree to pay theparticipation fee in advance and agree to the reimbursementguidelines mentioned above."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/paweljong/
msgid "I consent to the processing of my data as stated in theterms of use and all the data provided is correct. If I am underthe age of 16, my parents also agree to this and I can prove this onrequest (e.g. by making contact with my parents)."
msgid "Comment for the report, which helps us and other children to learn as much as possible about the event. What you have experienced yourself is very interesting for the next participants!"
msgid "You have successfully registered for the event. Please give usup to two days to process your registration. You will thenreceive an email from us."