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from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
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from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
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from django.urls import reverse_lazy
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from django.utils import timezone
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from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.utils.text import slugify
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from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
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from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from django.views.generic.detail import DetailView
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import reversion
from django_tables2 import RequestConfig
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from django_tables2.views import SingleTableView
from formtools.wizard.views import SessionWizardView
from reversion.views import RevisionMixin
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from rules.contrib.views import PermissionRequiredMixin, permission_required
from templated_email import send_templated_mail

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from aleksis.apps.postbuero.models import MailAddress
from aleksis.core.mixins import AdvancedCreateView, AdvancedDeleteView, AdvancedEditView
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from aleksis.core.models import Activity, Person
from aleksis.core.util import messages
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from aleksis.core.util.core_helpers import get_site_preferences, objectgetter_optional
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from .filters import EventFilter, EventRegistrationFilter, VoucherFilter
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from .forms import (
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from .models import Event, EventRegistration, Terms, Voucher
from .tables import EventRegistrationsTable, ManageEventsTable, TermsTable, VouchersTable
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User = get_user_model()
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@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class CreateEventView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedCreateView):
    form_class = EditEventForm
    model = Event
    permission_required = "paweljong.change_event"
    template_name = "paweljong/event/create.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("manage_events")
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    success_message = _("The event has been saved.")
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class EditEventView(PermissionRequiredMixin, RevisionMixin, AdvancedEditView):
    form_class = EditEventForm
    model = Event
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Tom Teichler committed
    slug_field = "linked_group__short_name"
Tom Teichler's avatar
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    permission_required = "paweljong.change_event"
    context_object_name = "manage_events"
    template_name = "paweljong/event/edit.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("manage_events")
    success_message = _("The event has been saved.")
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def manage_events(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    """List view listing all registrations."""
    context = {}
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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    # Get all registrations
    now =
    events = Event.objects.filter(date_event__gte=now)
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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    # Get filter
    events_filter = EventFilter(request.GET, queryset=events)
    context["events_filter"] = events_filter
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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    # Build table
    events_table = ManageEventsTable(events_filter.qs)
    context["events_table"] = events_table
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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    return render(request, "paweljong/event/manage.html", context)
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def vouchers(request):
    context = {}

    # Get all unused vouchers
    vouchers = Voucher.objects.filter(used=False, deleted=False)

    # Get filter
    vouchers_filter = VoucherFilter(request.GET, queryset=vouchers)
    context["vouchers_filter"] = vouchers_filter

    # Build table
    vouchers_table = VouchersTable(vouchers_filter.qs)
    context["vouchers_table"] = vouchers_table

    return render(request, "paweljong/voucher/list.html", context)

def generate_lists(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    context = {}

    generate_list_form = GenerateListForm()

    if request.method == "POST":
        generate_list_form = GenerateListForm(request.POST)
        if generate_list_form.is_valid():
            context["group"] = generate_list_form.cleaned_data["group"]
            template = generate_list_form.cleaned_data["template"]
            context["landscape"] = generate_list_form.cleaned_data["landscape"]

            return render(request, "paweljong/print/%s.html" % (template), context)

    context["generate_list_form"] = generate_list_form

    return render(request, "paweljong/print/manage.html", context)

def registrations(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    """List view listing all registrations."""
    context = {}

    # Get all registrations
    registrations = EventRegistration.objects.all()

    # Get filter
    registrations_filter = EventRegistrationFilter(request.GET, queryset=registrations)
    context["registrations_filter"] = registrations_filter

    # Build table
    registrations_table = EventRegistrationsTable(registrations_filter.qs)
    context["registrations_table"] = registrations_table

    return render(request, "paweljong/event_registration/list.html", context)

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Tom Teichler committed
@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class EventRegistrationCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedCreateView):
    """Create view for event registrations."""
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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    model = EventRegistration
    form_class = EditEventRegistrationForm
    permission_required = "paweljong.manage_registration"
    template_name = "paweljong/event_registration/create.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("event_registrations")
    success_message = _("The event registration has been created.")
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@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class EventRegistrationEditView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedEditView):
    """Edit view for event registrations."""
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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    model = EventRegistration
    form_class = EditEventRegistrationForm
    permission_required = "paweljong.manage_eventregistration"
    template_name = "paweljong/event_registration/edit.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("event_registrations")
    success_message = _("The event registration has been saved.")
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    fn=objectgetter_optional(EventRegistration, None, False),
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def edit_registration(request: HttpRequest, pk) -> HttpResponse:
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    context = {}

Tom Teichler's avatar
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    registration = objectgetter_optional(EventRegistration, None, False)(request, pk)
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    edit_event_registration_form = EditEventRegistrationForm(
        request.POST or None, instance=registration

    if request.method == "POST":
        if edit_event_registration_form.is_valid():
            with reversion.create_revision():

            messages.success(request, _("The registration has been saved."))

            return redirect("registration")

    context["edit_event_registration_form"] = edit_event_registration_form

    return render(request, "paweljong/event_registration/edit.html", context)

@permission_required("paweljong.is_own_voucher", fn=objectgetter_optional(Voucher, None, False))
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def print_voucher(request: HttpRequest, pk) -> HttpResponse:
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    context = {}

Tom Teichler's avatar
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    voucher = Voucher.objects.get(id=pk)
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    context["voucher"] = voucher

    return render(request, "paweljong/print/voucher.html", context)

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Tom Teichler committed
class EventRegistrationDetailView(PermissionRequiredMixin, DetailView):
    """Detail view for an application instance."""

    context_object_name = "registration"
    permission_required = "paweljong.view_registration"
    template_name = "paweljong/event_registration/full.html"

    def get_queryset(self):
        return EventRegistration.objects.all()

class EventRegistrationDeleteView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedDeleteView):
    """Delete view for registrations."""

    model = EventRegistration
    permission_required = "paweljong.delete_eventregistration"
    template_name = "core/pages/delete.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("registrations")
    success_message = _("The registration has been deleted.")

@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class VoucherCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedCreateView):
    """Create view for vouchers."""

    model = Voucher
    form_class = EditVoucherForm
    permission_required = "paweljong.add_voucher"
    template_name = "paweljong/voucher/create.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("vouchers")
    success_message = _("The voucher has been created.")

@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class VoucherEditView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedEditView):
    """Edit view for vouchers."""

    model = Voucher
    form_class = EditVoucherForm
    permission_required = "paweljong.edit_voucher"
    template_name = "paweljong/voucher/edit.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("vouchers")
    success_message = _("The voucher has been saved.")

class VoucherDeleteView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedDeleteView):
    """Delete view for vouchers."""

    model = Voucher
    permission_required = "paweljong.delete_voucher"
    template_name = "core/pages/delete.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("vouchers")
    success_message = _("The voucher has been deleted.")

def is_person_anonymous(wizard):
    return wizard.request.user.is_anonymous

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def set_email_needed(request, slug):
Tom Teichler's avatar
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    request.session["email_needed"] = True
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    return redirect("register_event_by_slug", slug)
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def is_email_needed(wizard):
Tom Teichler's avatar
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    if hasattr(wizard.request.session, "email_needed"):
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        return True

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    "email": "paweljong/event/register_wizard.html",
    "register": "paweljong/event/register_wizard.html",
    "contact_details": "paweljong/event/register_wizard.html",
    "guardians": "paweljong/event/register_wizard.html",
    "additional": "paweljong/event/register_wizard.html",
    "financial": "paweljong/event/register_wizard.html",
    "consent": "paweljong/event/register_wizard_consent.html",

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Tom Teichler's avatar
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class RegisterEventWizardView(SessionWizardView):
    template_name = "paweljong/event/register_wizard.html"
    file_storage = settings.DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE

    def get_template_names(self):
        return [TEMPLATES[self.steps.current]]

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    def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(form, **kwargs)
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        context["event"] = Event.objects.get(linked_group__short_name=self.kwargs["slug"])
Tom Teichler's avatar
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        if self.steps.current == "email":
            context["page_title"] = ""
            context["browser_title"] = ""
            context["info_title"] = _("Create e-mail address")
            context["info_text"] = _(
                "All participants need a personal e-mail address, which they check and read "
                "temselves. We offer the possibility to register an e-mail address "
                "on our secure servers, made for young users. For information about receiving "
                "mails, see: "
                "<a href=''></a>."  # noqa
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        elif self.steps.current == "register":
            context["page_title"] = ""
            context["browser_title"] = ""
            context["info_title"] = _("Event registration")
            context["info_text"] = _(
                "First, please enter some basic information about yourself, and check "
                "whether all information is correct."
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        elif self.steps.current == "contact_details":
            context["page_title"] = ""
            context["browser_title"] = ""
            context["info_title"] = _("Contact information")
            context["info_text"] = _(
                "Tell us how we can contact you. You will receive information about "
                "the event by e-mail. Please use your personal e-mail address "
                "where you will read mails yourself, not an address of your parents. "
                "We will always send all important information to your parents as well, "
                "and you will enter their e-mail address on the next page."
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        elif self.steps.current == "guardians":
            context["page_title"] = ""
            context["browser_title"] = ""
            context["info_title"] = _("Legal guardians / parents")
            context["info_text"] = _(
                "Tell us how we can reach your parents or other legal guardians. "
                "This should be the person who was present when you registered for the "
                "event (which is now). If you want to add another parent, please tell us "
                "later as a comment."
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        elif self.steps.current == "additional":
            context["page_title"] = ""
            context["browser_title"] = ""
            context["info_title"] = _("Additional registration information")
            context["info_text"] = _(
                "Please answer the following questions as precisely as you can, so "
                "we can make sure your event attendance will be organised as wel las possible."
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        elif self.steps.current == "financial":
            context["page_title"] = ""
            context["browser_title"] = ""
            context["info_title"] = _("Payment")
            context["info_text"] = _(
                "By default, we will send you an invoice, which you or your parents "
                "can pay by bank transfer. You can also choose to pay by direct debit – "
                "please make sure to enter exactly what your parents tell you."
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        elif self.steps.current == "consent":
            context["page_title"] = ""
            context["browser_title"] = ""
            context["info_title"] = _("Consent")
            context["info_text"] = _(
                "Lastly, please read the terms and conditions carefully, together "
                "with your parents. After that, you will need to confirm that you "
                "agree with everything yourself, and that your parents also agree."
Tom Teichler's avatar
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        return context

    def get_form_kwargs(self, step):
        kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs()
        if step == "email":
            kwargs["request"] = self.request
        if step == "additional":
            event = Event.objects.get(linked_group__short_name=self.kwargs["slug"])
            kwargs["event"] = event
        if step == "consent":
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Tom Teichler committed
            event = Event.objects.get(linked_group__short_name=self.kwargs["slug"])
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
            kwargs["event"] = event
        return kwargs

    def get_form_initial(self, step):

        initial = self.initial_dict.get(step, {})

        if step == "register":
            cleaned_data_email = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("email")
            if cleaned_data_email:
                domain = cleaned_data_email["domain"]
                email = f"{cleaned_data_email['local_part']}@{domain.domain}"
                        "email": email,
                        "email2": email,
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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        if step == "guardians":
            if hasattr(self.request.user, "person"):
                person = self.request.user.person
                if person.guardians.first():
                            "guardian_first_name": person.guardians.first().first_name,
                            "guardian_last_name": person.guardians.first().last_name,
                            "guardian_mobile_number": person.guardians.first().mobile_number,
                            "guardian_email": person.guardians.first().email,

        if step == "contact_details":
            if hasattr(self.request.user, "person"):
                person = self.request.user.person
                        "first_name": person.first_name,
                        "last_name": person.last_name,
                        "mobile_number": person.mobile_number,
                        "street": person.street,
                        "housenumber": person.housenumber,
                        "date_of_birth": person.date_of_birth,
                        "postal_code": person.postal_code,
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
                cleaned_data_register = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("register")
                if cleaned_data_register:
                            "first_name": cleaned_data_register["first_name"],
                            "last_name": cleaned_data_register["last_name"],
                            "email": cleaned_data_register["email"],
                            "date_of_birth": cleaned_data_register["date_of_birth"],
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed

        return self.initial_dict.get(step, initial)

    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):

Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        event = Event.objects.get(linked_group__short_name=self.kwargs["slug"])
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        cleaned_data_email = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("email")
        cleaned_data_contact_details = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("contact_details")
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        cleaned_data_guardians = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("guardians")
        cleaned_data_register = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("register")
        cleaned_data_additional = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("additional")
        cleaned_data_financial = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("financial")
        cleaned_data_consent = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step("consent")

Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        if cleaned_data_financial["voucher_code"]:
            vouchers = Voucher.objects.filter(
                person=person, event=event, used=False, code=cleaned_data_financial["voucher_code"]
            if vouchers:
                voucher = vouchers.first()
                messages.error(self.request, _("You entered an invalid voucher code!"))

Tom Teichler's avatar
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        # Create email address
        if cleaned_data_email:
            _email = MailAddress.objects.create(

        # Create user
        if cleaned_data_register:
            user = User.objects.create(
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
        person, created = Person.objects.get_or_create(
                "email": cleaned_data_contact_details["email"],
                "first_name": cleaned_data_contact_details["first_name"],
                "last_name": cleaned_data_contact_details["last_name"],
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
            "mobile_number" in cleaned_data_contact_details
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
            or "sex" in cleaned_data_contact_details
            or "date_of_birth" in cleaned_data_contact_details
            person.mobile_number = cleaned_data_contact_details["mobile_number"]
   = cleaned_data_contact_details["sex"]
            person.date_of_birth = cleaned_data_contact_details["date_of_birth"]


        # Store postal address in database
        if (
            "postal_code" in cleaned_data_contact_details
            or "place" in cleaned_data_contact_details
            or "street" in cleaned_data_contact_details

            person.street = cleaned_data_contact_details["street"]
            person.postal_code = cleaned_data_contact_details["postal_code"]
   = cleaned_data_contact_details["place"]
            person.housenumber = cleaned_data_contact_details["housenumber"]
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed

        if (
            "guardian_first_name" in cleaned_data_guardians
            or "guardian_last_name" in cleaned_data_guardians
            or "guardian_mobile_number" in cleaned_data_guardians
            or "guardian_email" in cleaned_data_guardians
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
            guardian, created = Person.objects.get_or_create(
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
                    "mobile_number": cleaned_data_guardians["guardian_mobile_number"],
Tom Teichler's avatar
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Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed

Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
Tom Teichler's avatar
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        if cleaned_data_email:
            _email.person = person

        # Add the current person to the event

        registration = EventRegistration.objects.create(
Tom Teichler's avatar
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        for field in event.linked_group.additional_fields.all():
                slugify(field.title).replace("-", "_")
            ] = cleaned_data_additional[field.title]
Tom Teichler's avatar
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        for field in cleaned_data_consent:
            pk = int(field.split("_")[1])
            term = Terms.objects.get(id=pk)
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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        if cleaned_data_financial["voucher_code"]:
            vouchers = Voucher.objects.filter(
                person=person, event=event, used=False, code=cleaned_data_financial["voucher_code"]
            if vouchers:
                voucher = vouchers.first()
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
                registration.voucher = voucher
Tom Teichler's avatar
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                with reversion.create_revision():
Tom Teichler's avatar
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                messages.error(self.request, _("You entered an invalid voucher code!"))

        context = {}
        context["registration"] = registration

Tom Teichler's avatar
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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                "reply_to": [

                "You have successfully registered for the event. Please give us "
                "up to two days to process your registration. You will then "
                "receive an email from us."

        act = Activity(
Tom Teichler's avatar
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            title=_("You registered for an event"),
            description=_("You registered for the event %s" % event.display_name),
Tom Teichler's avatar
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        return redirect("index")

class EventFullView(DetailView):
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    model = Event
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    slug_field = "linked_group__short_name"
Tom Teichler's avatar
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    template_name = "paweljong/event/full.html"
    object_context_name = "event"
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Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)

        context["can_register"] = context["event"].can_register(request=self.request)
        context["is_authenticated"] = self.request.user.is_authenticated
        return context

class RegisterEventStart(DetailView):

    model = Event
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
    slug_field = "linked_group__short_name"
    template_name = "paweljong/event/register_start.html"
    object_context_name = "event"

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
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Tom Teichler's avatar
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        context["can_register"] = context["event"].can_register(request=self.request)
        return context
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Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
class TermListView(PermissionRequiredMixin, SingleTableView):
    """Table of all terms."""

    model = Terms
    table_class = TermsTable
    permission_required = "paweljong.view_terms"
    template_name = "paweljong/term/list.html"

@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class TermCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedCreateView):
    """Create view for terms."""

    model = Terms
    form_class = EditTermForm
    permission_required = "paweljong.add_terms"
    template_name = "paweljong/term/create.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("terms")
    success_message = _("The term has been created.")

@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class TermEditView(PermissionRequiredMixin, AdvancedEditView):
    """Edit view for terms."""

    model = Terms
    form_class = EditTermForm
    permission_required = "paweljong.edit_terms"
    template_name = "paweljong/term/edit.html"
    success_url = reverse_lazy("terms")
    success_message = _("The term has been saved.")