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  • AlekSIS/onboarding/AlekSIS-App-Tezor
  • sunweaver/AlekSIS-App-Tezor
  • 3lisvequii/AlekSIS-App-Tezor
3 results
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Commits on Source (94)
with 1256 additions and 992 deletions
module.exports = {
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// Fixes for prettier (avoid eslint-config-prettier)
// The following rules can be used in some cases. See the README for more
// information. (These are marked with `0` instead of `"off"` so that a
// script can distinguish them.)
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// Fixes for prettier (avoid eslint-config-prettier)
// The following rules can be used in some cases. See the README for more
// information. (These are marked with `0` instead of `"off"` so that a
// script can distinguish them.)
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...@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ DEADJOE ...@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ DEADJOE
.idea .idea
.idea/ .idea/
# VSCode
# Database # Database
db.sqlite3 db.sqlite3
...@@ -62,15 +67,32 @@ docs/_build/ ...@@ -62,15 +67,32 @@ docs/_build/
*.aux *.aux
# Generated files # Generated files
aleksis/node_modules/ /cache
aleksis/static/ /node_modules
# Lock files
# Tests
.coverage .coverage
.mypy_cache/ .mypy_cache/
.tox/ .tox/
htmlcov/ htmlcov/
# Data
maintenance_mode_state.txt maintenance_mode_state.txt
media/ media/
poetry.lock aleksis/core/static/style.css
...@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ include: ...@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ include:
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- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS" - project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/prepare/lock.yml file: /ci/prepare/lock.yml
# - project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
# file: /ci/test.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS" - project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/lint.yml file: /ci/test/lint.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS" - project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
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file: /ci/publish/pypi.yml file: /ci/publish/pypi.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/docker/image.yml
...@@ -89,3 +89,8 @@ yarn.lock ...@@ -89,3 +89,8 @@ yarn.lock
# Do not check/reformat generated files # Do not check/reformat generated files
aleksis/core/util/licenses.json aleksis/core/util/licenses.json
.vite/ .vite/
ARG APPS="AlekSIS-App-Tezor"
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from djp_sepa.models import SEPAMandate
from material import Layout, Row from material import Layout, Row
from payments import PaymentStatus
from aleksis.core.forms import ActionForm from aleksis.core.forms import ActionForm
from aleksis.core.mixins import ExtensibleForm from aleksis.core.mixins import ExtensibleForm
...@@ -19,9 +22,27 @@ send_emails_action.short_description = _("Send e-mails") ...@@ -19,9 +22,27 @@ send_emails_action.short_description = _("Send e-mails")
send_emails_action.permission = "tezor.send_invoice_email" send_emails_action.permission = "tezor.send_invoice_email"
def get_sepa_xml(modeladmin, request, queryset):
"""Get a SEPA XML for selected invoices."""
qs = SEPAMandate.objects.filter(payment__in=queryset, payment__status=PaymentStatus.PREAUTH)
sepadd = SEPAMandate.as_sepadd(qs=qs)
return HttpResponse(
"Content-Type": "text/xml",
"Content-Disposition": 'attachment; filename="sepa_direct_debit.xml"',
get_sepa_xml.short_description = _("Get SEPA XML")
get_sepa_xml.permission = "tezor.get_sepa_xml"
class InvoicesActionForm(ActionForm): class InvoicesActionForm(ActionForm):
def get_actions(self): def get_actions(self):
return [send_emails_action] return [send_emails_action, get_sepa_xml]
class EditClientForm(ExtensibleForm): class EditClientForm(ExtensibleForm):
...@@ -55,7 +76,6 @@ class EditClientForm(ExtensibleForm): ...@@ -55,7 +76,6 @@ class EditClientForm(ExtensibleForm):
class EditInvoiceGroupForm(ExtensibleForm): class EditInvoiceGroupForm(ExtensibleForm):
layout = Layout(Row("name", "template_name")) layout = Layout(Row("name", "template_name"))
class Meta: class Meta:
...@@ -129,5 +129,13 @@ export default { ...@@ -129,5 +129,13 @@ export default {
}, },
name: "tezor.sendInvoiceByToken", name: "tezor.sendInvoiceByToken",
}, },
path: "invoice/:token/mark_paid/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
name: "tezor.markInvoicePaidByToken",
], ],
}; };
...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-23 12:54+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
...@@ -18,40 +18,31 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18,40 +18,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 " "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n" "&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -128,6 +119,18 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -128,6 +119,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -140,58 +143,83 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -140,58 +143,83 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -201,7 +229,9 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -201,7 +229,9 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
"Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
...@@ -212,6 +242,14 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -212,6 +242,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -233,61 +271,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -233,61 +271,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
"Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
"Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -299,20 +302,10 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -299,20 +302,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -334,6 +327,15 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -334,6 +327,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -373,26 +375,26 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -373,26 +375,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -7,51 +7,41 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -7,51 +7,41 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-22 21:24+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-10 19:53+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-19 11:11+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Seimetz <>\n" "Last-Translator: Jonathan Weth <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n" "Language-Team: German <>\n"
"Language: de_DE\n" "Language: de_DE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 5.0.2\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "E-Mails senden" msgstr "E-Mails senden"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr "Erzeuge SEPA-XML"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "Zahlungsversprechen" msgstr "Zahlungsversprechen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "Sofort / Klarna" msgstr "Sofort / Klarna"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "Lastschrift" msgstr "Lastschrift"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr "Zahlungen und Geld"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr "Klienten verwalten"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr "Meine Rechnungen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "Klarna / Sofort" msgstr "Klarna / Sofort"
...@@ -128,6 +118,18 @@ msgstr "BIC/SWIFT-Code der Bank" ...@@ -128,6 +118,18 @@ msgstr "BIC/SWIFT-Code der Bank"
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "Versprechen aktiviert" msgstr "Versprechen aktiviert"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Klient"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "Klienten"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "Name der Rechnungsgruppe" msgstr "Name der Rechnungsgruppe"
...@@ -140,58 +142,83 @@ msgstr "Verknüpfter Klient" ...@@ -140,58 +142,83 @@ msgstr "Verknüpfter Klient"
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "Vorlage, um Rechnungen als PDF zu erzeugen" msgstr "Vorlage, um Rechnungen als PDF zu erzeugen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr "Rechnungsgruppe"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr "Rechnungsgruppen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "Rechnungsgruppe" msgstr "Rechnungsgruppe"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "Rechnungsnummer" msgstr "Rechnungsnummer"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "Fälligkeitsdatum" msgstr "Fälligkeitsdatum"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "Rechnungsempfänger (Person)" msgstr "Rechnungsempfänger (Person)"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "Rechnungspositionen" msgstr "Rechnungspositionen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Rechnung"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr "Rechnungen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "Kann Rechnung als E-Mail versenden" msgstr "Kann Rechnung als E-Mail versenden"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "MWSt. {} %" msgstr "MWSt. {} %"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "Bruttosumme" msgstr "Bruttosumme"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "Artikel Nr." msgstr "Artikel Nr."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "Gekaufter Artikel" msgstr "Gekaufter Artikel"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "Artikel-Nettopreis" msgstr "Artikel-Nettopreis"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Währung" msgstr "Währung"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "Steuersatz" msgstr "Steuersatz"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr "Rechnungsposition"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr "Rechnungspositionen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Zahlungen" msgstr "Zahlungen"
...@@ -201,8 +228,12 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -201,8 +228,12 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "Öffentliche Zahlungen" msgstr "Öffentliche Zahlungen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
msgstr "Jedem (einschließlich Gästen) erlauben, Zahlungen zu leisten. Grundlegende Rechnungsinformationen sind für jeden sichtbar, der das Rechnungstoken kennt." "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr ""
"Jedem (einschließlich Gästen) erlauben, Zahlungen zu leisten. Grundlegende "
"Rechnungsinformationen sind für jeden sichtbar, der das Rechnungstoken kennt."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Enable pledged payments" msgid "Enable pledged payments"
...@@ -212,6 +243,14 @@ msgstr "Manuelle Zahlungen aktivieren" ...@@ -212,6 +243,14 @@ msgstr "Manuelle Zahlungen aktivieren"
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "Rechnungen aktualisieren, wenn Personendaten sich ändern" msgstr "Rechnungen aktualisieren, wenn Personendaten sich ändern"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr "SEPA-Lastschrift - IBAN"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr "SEPA-Lastschrift - BIC"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "Art. Nr." msgstr "Art. Nr."
...@@ -233,54 +272,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -233,54 +272,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "Netto" msgstr "Netto"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "Ansehen" msgstr "Ansehen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten" msgstr "Bearbeiten"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen" msgstr "Löschen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "Drucken" msgstr "Drucken"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Rechnung"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
" Im Anhang finden Sie die Rechnung Nr. %(number)s für %(description)s.\n"
" Bitte lesen Sie das PDF mit allen Zahlungsdetails sorgfältig durch.\n"
" "
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
" Bitte rufen Sie den folgenden Link auf, um die Zahlung zu veranlassen:\n"
" "
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -292,20 +303,10 @@ msgstr "Klient erstellen" ...@@ -292,20 +303,10 @@ msgstr "Klient erstellen"
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "Klient bearbeiten" msgstr "Klient bearbeiten"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Klient"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "Rechnungsgruppe hinzufügen" msgstr "Rechnungsgruppe hinzufügen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "Klienten"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -327,6 +328,15 @@ msgstr "Zahlung" ...@@ -327,6 +328,15 @@ msgstr "Zahlung"
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "Jetzt zahlen" msgstr "Jetzt zahlen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr "Als bezahlt markieren"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr "Meine Rechnungen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -366,29 +376,89 @@ msgstr "Ausgewählte Rechnungen" ...@@ -366,29 +376,89 @@ msgstr "Ausgewählte Rechnungen"
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Ausführen" msgstr "Ausführen"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "Der Klient wurde erstellt." msgstr "Der Klient wurde erstellt."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "Der Klient wurde gespeichert." msgstr "Der Klient wurde gespeichert."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "Der Klient wurde gelöscht." msgstr "Der Klient wurde gelöscht."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "Die Rechnungsgruppe wurde erstellt." msgstr "Die Rechnungsgruppe wurde erstellt."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "Die Rechnungsgruppe wurde gespeichert." msgstr "Die Rechnungsgruppe wurde gespeichert."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "Die Rechnungsgruppe wurde gelöscht." msgstr "Die Rechnungsgruppe wurde gelöscht."
#, python-format
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
#~ " Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Im Anhang finden Sie die Rechnung Nr. %(number)s für "
#~ "%(description)s.\n"
#~ " Bitte lesen Sie das PDF mit allen Zahlungsdetails sorgfältig durch.\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Bitte rufen Sie den folgenden Link auf, um die Zahlung zu "
#~ "veranlassen:\n"
#~ " "
#, fuzzy, python-format
#~| msgid ""
#~| "\n"
#~| " Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
#~| " Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
#~| " "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
#~ "Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Im Anhang finden Sie die Rechnung Nr. %(number)s für "
#~ "%(description)s.\n"
#~ " Bitte lesen Sie das PDF mit allen Zahlungsdetails sorgfältig durch.\n"
#~ " "
#, fuzzy
#~| msgid ""
#~| "\n"
#~| " Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
#~| " "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Bitte rufen Sie den folgenden Link auf, um die Zahlung zu "
#~ "veranlassen:\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgid "Payments and Money"
#~ msgstr "Zahlungen und Geld"
#~ msgid "Manage clients"
#~ msgstr "Klienten verwalten"
#~ msgid "Gross" #~ msgid "Gross"
#~ msgstr "Brutto" #~ msgstr "Brutto"
...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-23 12:54+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
...@@ -17,40 +17,31 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -17,40 +17,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -127,6 +118,18 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -127,6 +118,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -139,58 +142,83 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -139,58 +142,83 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -200,7 +228,9 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -200,7 +228,9 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
"Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
...@@ -211,6 +241,14 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -211,6 +241,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -232,61 +270,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -232,61 +270,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
"Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
"Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -298,20 +301,10 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -298,20 +301,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -333,6 +326,15 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -333,6 +326,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -372,26 +374,26 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -372,26 +374,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-23 12:54+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
...@@ -17,40 +17,30 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -17,40 +17,30 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -127,6 +117,18 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -127,6 +117,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -139,58 +141,83 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -139,58 +141,83 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -200,7 +227,9 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -200,7 +227,9 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
"Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
...@@ -211,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -211,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -232,61 +269,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -232,61 +269,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
"Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
"Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -298,20 +300,10 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -298,20 +300,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -333,6 +325,15 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -333,6 +325,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -372,26 +373,26 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -372,26 +373,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-23 12:54+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
...@@ -17,40 +17,30 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -17,40 +17,30 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -127,6 +117,18 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -127,6 +117,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -139,58 +141,83 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -139,58 +141,83 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -200,7 +227,9 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -200,7 +227,9 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
"Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
...@@ -211,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -211,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -232,61 +269,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -232,61 +269,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
"Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
"Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -298,20 +300,10 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -298,20 +300,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -333,6 +325,15 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -333,6 +325,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -372,26 +373,26 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -372,26 +373,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -7,51 +7,44 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -7,51 +7,44 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-23 12:54+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-26 04:39+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-26 04:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Serhii Horichenko <>\n" "Last-Translator: Serhii Horichenko <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <>\n" "Language-Team: Russian <"
"Language: ru\n" "Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || "
"(n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "Отправить эл.почту" msgstr "Отправить эл.почту"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "Отложенный платёж" msgstr "Отложенный платёж"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "Sofort / Klarna (API ID)" msgstr "Sofort / Klarna (API ID)"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "Дебет" msgstr "Дебет"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr "Платежи и Деньги"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr "Управление клиентами"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr "Мои инвойсы"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "Klarna (Sofort)" msgstr "Klarna (Sofort)"
...@@ -128,6 +121,18 @@ msgstr "BIC/SWIFT код банка" ...@@ -128,6 +121,18 @@ msgstr "BIC/SWIFT код банка"
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "Отсрочка активирована" msgstr "Отсрочка активирована"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Клиент"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "Клиенты"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "Название группы инвойсов" msgstr "Название группы инвойсов"
...@@ -140,58 +145,93 @@ msgstr "Связанный клиент" ...@@ -140,58 +145,93 @@ msgstr "Связанный клиент"
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "Шаблон для создания инвойсов в PDF" msgstr "Шаблон для создания инвойсов в PDF"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Invoice group"
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr "Группа инвойсов"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Invoice group"
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr "Группа инвойсов"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "Группа инвойсов" msgstr "Группа инвойсов"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "Номер инвойса" msgstr "Номер инвойса"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "Последняя дата платежа" msgstr "Последняя дата платежа"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "Получатель инвойса (личность)" msgstr "Получатель инвойса (личность)"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "Позиции в инвойсе" msgstr "Позиции в инвойсе"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Инвойс"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Invoice"
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr "Инвойс"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "Можно отправить инвойс через эл.почту" msgstr "Можно отправить инвойс через эл.почту"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "НДС {} %" msgstr "НДС {} %"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "Итого" msgstr "Итого"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "Артикул №" msgstr "Артикул №"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "Купленные позиции" msgstr "Купленные позиции"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "Цена артикула без налогов" msgstr "Цена артикула без налогов"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Валюта" msgstr "Валюта"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "Размер налога" msgstr "Размер налога"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Invoice items"
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr "Позиции в инвойсе"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Invoice items"
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr "Позиции в инвойсе"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Платежи" msgstr "Платежи"
...@@ -201,7 +241,9 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -201,7 +241,9 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "Публичные платежи" msgstr "Публичные платежи"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
"Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Разрешает совершать платежи кому-угодно (даже гостям). Основная информация " "Разрешает совершать платежи кому-угодно (даже гостям). Основная информация "
"инвойса будет видимой для всех, у кого есть токен этого инвойса." "инвойса будет видимой для всех, у кого есть токен этого инвойса."
...@@ -214,6 +256,18 @@ msgstr "Активировать отложенные платежи" ...@@ -214,6 +256,18 @@ msgstr "Активировать отложенные платежи"
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "Обновить инвойсы если меняются персональные данные" msgstr "Обновить инвойсы если меняются персональные данные"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "SEPA Direct Debit"
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr "Прямой дебет SEPA"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "SEPA Direct Debit"
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr "Прямой дебет SEPA"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "Арт.№" msgstr "Арт.№"
...@@ -235,78 +289,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -235,78 +289,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "Без НДС" msgstr "Без НДС"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "Просмотр" msgstr "Просмотр"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Редактировать" msgstr "Редактировать"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Удалить" msgstr "Удалить"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "Печать" msgstr "Печать"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Инвойс"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
" Пересмотрите, пожалуйста, прикреплённый инвойс № %(number)s на счёт "
" Также просим Вас внимательно ознакомиться с файлом PDF и со всей "
"информацией о платёже.\n"
" "
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
" Перейдите, пожалуйста, по ссылке для ознакомления и осуществления "
" "
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
"Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
msgstr ""
"Пересмотрите, пожалуйста, прикреплённый инвойс № %(number)s на счёт "
"Также просим Вас внимательно ознакомиться с файлом PDF и всеми деталями "
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
"Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
msgstr ""
"Перейдите, пожалуйста, по ссылке для ознакомления и осуществления платежа:\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -318,20 +320,10 @@ msgstr "Создать клиента" ...@@ -318,20 +320,10 @@ msgstr "Создать клиента"
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "Редактировать клиента" msgstr "Редактировать клиента"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Клиент"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "Добавить группу инвойсов" msgstr "Добавить группу инвойсов"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "Клиенты"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -353,6 +345,15 @@ msgstr "Платёж" ...@@ -353,6 +345,15 @@ msgstr "Платёж"
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "Оплатить сейчас" msgstr "Оплатить сейчас"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr "Мои инвойсы"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -392,26 +393,76 @@ msgstr "Выбранные инвойсы" ...@@ -392,26 +393,76 @@ msgstr "Выбранные инвойсы"
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Выполнить" msgstr "Выполнить"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "Клиент создан." msgstr "Клиент создан."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "Клиент сохранён." msgstr "Клиент сохранён."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "Клиент удалён." msgstr "Клиент удалён."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "Группа инвойсов создана." msgstr "Группа инвойсов создана."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "Группа инвойсов сохранена." msgstr "Группа инвойсов сохранена."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "Группа инвойсов удалена." msgstr "Группа инвойсов удалена."
#~ msgid "Payments and Money"
#~ msgstr "Платежи и Деньги"
#~ msgid "Manage clients"
#~ msgstr "Управление клиентами"
#, python-format
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
#~ " Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Пересмотрите, пожалуйста, прикреплённый инвойс № %(number)s на счёт "
#~ "%(description)s.\n"
#~ " Также просим Вас внимательно ознакомиться с файлом PDF и со всей "
#~ "информацией о платёже.\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Перейдите, пожалуйста, по ссылке для ознакомления и осуществления "
#~ "платежа:\n"
#~ " "
#, python-format
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
#~ "Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Пересмотрите, пожалуйста, прикреплённый инвойс № %(number)s на счёт "
#~ "%(description)s.\n"
#~ "Также просим Вас внимательно ознакомиться с файлом PDF и всеми деталями "
#~ "платежа.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Перейдите, пожалуйста, по ссылке для ознакомления и осуществления "
#~ "платежа:\n"
...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-23 12:54+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
...@@ -17,40 +17,30 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -17,40 +17,30 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -127,6 +117,18 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -127,6 +117,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -139,58 +141,83 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -139,58 +141,83 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -200,7 +227,9 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -200,7 +227,9 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
"Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
...@@ -211,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -211,6 +240,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -232,61 +269,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -232,61 +269,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
"Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
"Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -298,20 +300,10 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -298,20 +300,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -333,6 +325,15 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -333,6 +325,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -372,26 +373,26 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -372,26 +373,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
...@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" ...@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-23 12:54+0000\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-10 13:42+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-25 05:58+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-24 13:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Serhii Horichenko <>\n" "Last-Translator: Serhii Horichenko <>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n"
"Language: uk\n" "Language: uk\n"
...@@ -16,42 +16,32 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -16,42 +16,32 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 5.0.2\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Send e-mails" msgid "Send e-mails"
msgstr "Відправити ел.листи" msgstr "Відправити е-листи"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Get SEPA XML"
msgstr "Отримати SEPA XML"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payment pledge" msgid "Payment pledge"
msgstr "Відкладений платіж" msgstr "Відкладений платіж"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna" msgid "Sofort / Klarna"
msgstr "Sofort / Klarna (API ID)" msgstr "Sofort / Klarna (API ID)"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "PayPal" msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Debit" msgid "Debit"
msgstr "Дебет" msgstr "Дебет"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments and Money"
msgstr "Платежі та Гроші"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Manage clients"
msgstr "Керування клієнтами"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr "Мої інвойси"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Klarna / Sofort" msgid "Klarna / Sofort"
msgstr "Klarna (Sofort)" msgstr "Klarna (Sofort)"
...@@ -70,7 +60,7 @@ msgstr "Повне ім'я" ...@@ -70,7 +60,7 @@ msgstr "Повне ім'я"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Email" msgid "Email"
msgstr "Ел.пошта" msgstr "Е-пошта"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Sofort / Klarna enabled" msgid "Sofort / Klarna enabled"
...@@ -128,6 +118,18 @@ msgstr "BIC/SWIFT код банку" ...@@ -128,6 +118,18 @@ msgstr "BIC/SWIFT код банку"
msgid "Pledge enabled" msgid "Pledge enabled"
msgstr "Відкладення увімкнене" msgstr "Відкладення увімкнене"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Клієнт"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "Клієнти"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group name" msgid "Invoice group name"
msgstr "Назва групи інвойсів" msgstr "Назва групи інвойсів"
...@@ -140,58 +142,83 @@ msgstr "Під'єднаний клієнт" ...@@ -140,58 +142,83 @@ msgstr "Під'єднаний клієнт"
msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF" msgid "Template to render invoices with as PDF"
msgstr "Шаблон для створення інвойсів у PDF" msgstr "Шаблон для створення інвойсів у PDF"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Group"
msgstr "Група інвойсів"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Groups"
msgstr "Групи інвойсів"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice group" msgid "Invoice group"
msgstr "Група інвойсів" msgstr "Група інвойсів"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice number" msgid "Invoice number"
msgstr "Номер інвойсу" msgstr "Номер інвойсу"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Payment due date" msgid "Payment due date"
msgstr "Остання дата платежу" msgstr "Остання дата платежу"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice recipient (person)" msgid "Invoice recipient (person)"
msgstr "Отримувач інвойсу (особа)" msgstr "Отримувач інвойсу (особа)"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice items" msgid "Invoice items"
msgstr "Артикули в інвойсі" msgstr "Артикули в інвойсі"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Інвойс"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoices"
msgstr "Інвойси"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Can send invoice by email" msgid "Can send invoice by email"
msgstr "Можна надіслати інвойс ел.поштою" msgstr "Можна надіслати інвойс ел.поштою"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "VAT {} %" msgid "VAT {} %"
msgstr "ПДВ {} %" msgstr "ПДВ {} %"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Gross total" msgid "Gross total"
msgstr "Усього разом" msgstr "Усього разом"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Article no." msgid "Article no."
msgstr "Артикул №" msgstr "Артикул №"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Purchased item" msgid "Purchased item"
msgstr "Придбані артикули" msgstr "Придбані артикули"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Item net price" msgid "Item net price"
msgstr "Ціна артикулу без податків" msgstr "Ціна артикулу без податків"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Currency" msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Валюта" msgstr "Валюта"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Tax rate" msgid "Tax rate"
msgstr "Розмір податку" msgstr "Розмір податку"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Item"
msgstr "Артикул в інвойсі"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/models/
msgid "Invoice Items"
msgstr "Артикули в інвойсі"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Payments" msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Платежі" msgstr "Платежі"
...@@ -201,7 +228,9 @@ msgid "Public payments" ...@@ -201,7 +228,9 @@ msgid "Public payments"
msgstr "Публічні платежі" msgstr "Публічні платежі"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token." msgid ""
"Allow anyone (including guests) to make payments. Basic invoice information "
"will be visible to anyone who knows the invoice token."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Дозволяє зробити платежі будь-кому (навіть гостям). Основна інформація " "Дозволяє зробити платежі будь-кому (навіть гостям). Основна інформація "
"інвойсу буде видимою усім, хто має токен цього інвойсу." "інвойсу буде видимою усім, хто має токен цього інвойсу."
...@@ -214,6 +243,14 @@ msgstr "Увімкнути відкладені платежі" ...@@ -214,6 +243,14 @@ msgstr "Увімкнути відкладені платежі"
msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes" msgid "Update Invoices if person data changes"
msgstr "Оновити інвойси якщо змінюються дані про особу" msgstr "Оновити інвойси якщо змінюються дані про особу"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - IBAN"
msgstr "Прямий дебет SEPA - IBAN"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit - BIC"
msgstr "Прямий дебет SEPA - BIC"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Art. No." msgid "Art. No."
msgstr "Арт.№" msgstr "Арт.№"
...@@ -235,77 +272,26 @@ msgid "Net" ...@@ -235,77 +272,26 @@ msgid "Net"
msgstr "Без ПДВ" msgstr "Без ПДВ"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "View" msgid "View"
msgstr "Переглянути" msgstr "Переглянути"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Edit" msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Редагувати" msgstr "Редагувати"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "Delete" msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Видалити" msgstr "Видалити"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/ aleksis/apps/tezor/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:24
msgid "Print" msgid "Print"
msgstr "Друкувати" msgstr "Друкувати"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:18
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Інвойс"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
" Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
" Будь ласка, перегляньте прикріплений інвойс № %(number)s щодо "
" Також просимо уважно ознайомитися з файлом PDF щодо усіх деталей платежу."
" "
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
" Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
" Будь ласка, перейдіть за посиланням для ознайомлення і виконанням "
" "
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
"Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
msgstr ""
"Будь ласка, перегляньте прикріплений інвойс № %(number)s щодо "
"Також просимо уважно ознайомитися з файлом PDF щодо усіх деталей платежу.\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/templated_email/
msgid ""
"Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
msgstr ""
"Будь ласка, перейдіть за посиланням для ознайомлення і виконанням платежу:\n"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/create.html:5
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:11
...@@ -317,20 +303,10 @@ msgstr "Створити клієнта" ...@@ -317,20 +303,10 @@ msgstr "Створити клієнта"
msgid "Edit client" msgid "Edit client"
msgstr "Редагувати клієнта" msgstr "Редагувати клієнта"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:7
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Клієнт"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/full.html:11
msgid "Add invoice group" msgid "Add invoice group"
msgstr "Додати групу інвойсів" msgstr "Додати групу інвойсів"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/client/list.html:7
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "Клієнти"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:21
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice_group/full.html:10
msgid "Back" msgid "Back"
...@@ -352,6 +328,15 @@ msgstr "Платіж" ...@@ -352,6 +328,15 @@ msgstr "Платіж"
msgid "Pay now" msgid "Pay now"
msgstr "Сплатити зараз" msgstr "Сплатити зараз"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/full.html:113
msgid "Mark as paid"
msgstr "Позначити як оплачений"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/list.html:7
msgid "My invoices"
msgstr "Мої інвойси"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:6
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7 #: aleksis/apps/tezor/templates/tezor/invoice/payment.html:7
msgid "Make payment for" msgid "Make payment for"
...@@ -391,26 +376,76 @@ msgstr "Позначені інвойси" ...@@ -391,26 +376,76 @@ msgstr "Позначені інвойси"
msgid "Execute" msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Виконати" msgstr "Виконати"
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been created." msgid "The client has been created."
msgstr "Клієнт створений." msgstr "Клієнт створений."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been saved." msgid "The client has been saved."
msgstr "Клієнт збережений." msgstr "Клієнт збережений."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The client has been deleted." msgid "The client has been deleted."
msgstr "Клієнт видалений." msgstr "Клієнт видалений."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been created." msgid "The invoice group has been created."
msgstr "Група інвойсів створена." msgstr "Група інвойсів створена."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been saved." msgid "The invoice group has been saved."
msgstr "Група інвойсів збережена." msgstr "Група інвойсів збережена."
#: aleksis/apps/tezor/ #: aleksis/apps/tezor/
msgid "The invoice group has been deleted." msgid "The invoice group has been deleted."
msgstr "Група інвойсів видалена." msgstr "Група інвойсів видалена."
#~ msgid "Payments and Money"
#~ msgstr "Платежі та Гроші"
#~ msgid "Manage clients"
#~ msgstr "Керування клієнтами"
#, python-format
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
#~ " Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Будь ласка, перегляньте прикріплений інвойс № %(number)s щодо "
#~ "%(description)s.\n"
#~ " Також просимо уважно ознайомитися з файлом PDF щодо усіх деталей "
#~ "платежу.\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
#~ " "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ " Будь ласка, перейдіть за посиланням для ознайомлення і виконанням "
#~ "платежу:\n"
#~ " "
#, python-format
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please find attached invoice number %(number)s for %(description)s.\n"
#~ "Please carefully read the PDF file concerning all payment details.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Будь ласка, перегляньте прикріплений інвойс № %(number)s щодо "
#~ "%(description)s.\n"
#~ "Також просимо уважно ознайомитися з файлом PDF щодо усіх деталей "
#~ "платежу.\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please visit the following link to view and make the payment:\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Будь ласка, перейдіть за посиланням для ознайомлення і виконанням "
#~ "платежу:\n"
...@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration): ...@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
initial = True initial = True
dependencies = [ dependencies = [
('sites', '0002_alter_domain_unique'),
('contenttypes', '0002_remove_content_type_name'), ('contenttypes', '0002_remove_content_type_name'),
] ]
...@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration): ...@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
('extended_data', models.JSONField(default=dict, editable=False)), ('extended_data', models.JSONField(default=dict, editable=False)),
('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Name')), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Name')),
('site', models.ForeignKey(default=1, editable=False, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='')),
], ],
managers=[ managers=[
('objects', aleksis.core.managers.AlekSISBaseManager()), ('objects', aleksis.core.managers.AlekSISBaseManager()),
...@@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration): ...@@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Invoice group name')), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Invoice group name')),
('template_name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, verbose_name='Template to render invoices with as PDF')), ('template_name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, verbose_name='Template to render invoices with as PDF')),
('client', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='invoice_groups', to='tezor.client', verbose_name='Linked client')), ('client', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='invoice_groups', to='tezor.client', verbose_name='Linked client')),
('site', models.ForeignKey(default=1, editable=False, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='')),
], ],
managers=[ managers=[
('objects', aleksis.core.managers.AlekSISBaseManager()), ('objects', aleksis.core.managers.AlekSISBaseManager()),
...@@ -89,6 +86,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration): ...@@ -89,6 +86,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
), ),
migrations.AddConstraint( migrations.AddConstraint(
model_name='client', model_name='client',
constraint=models.UniqueConstraint(fields=('name', 'site'), name='uniq_client_per_site'), constraint=models.UniqueConstraint(fields=('name',), name='uniq_client_per_site'),
), ),
] ]
...@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration): ...@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [ dependencies = [
('core', '0038_notification_send_at'), ('core', '0038_notification_send_at'),
('sites', '0002_alter_domain_unique'),
('tezor', '0002_invoice_due_date'), ('tezor', '0002_invoice_due_date'),
] ]
...@@ -41,11 +40,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration): ...@@ -41,11 +40,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
model_name='invoice', model_name='invoice',
constraint=models.CheckConstraint(check=models.Q(('for_object_id__isnull', True), ('person__isnull', True), _connector='OR'), name='object_or_person'), constraint=models.CheckConstraint(check=models.Q(('for_object_id__isnull', True), ('person__isnull', True), _connector='OR'), name='object_or_person'),
), ),
field=models.ForeignKey(default=1, editable=False, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=''),
migrations.AddField( migrations.AddField(
model_name='invoice', model_name='invoice',
name='items', name='items',
...@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ def configure_clients(apps, schema_editor): ...@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ def configure_clients(apps, schema_editor):
db_alias = schema_editor.connection.alias db_alias = schema_editor.connection.alias
Client = apps.get_model("tezor", "Client") Client = apps.get_model("tezor", "Client")
SitePreferenceModel = apps.get_model("core", "SitePreferenceModel") GlobalPreferenceModel = apps.get_model("dynamic_preferences", "GlobalPreferenceModel")
fields = ["sofort_api_id", "sofort_api_key", "sofort_project_id", "paypal_client_id", "paypal_secret", "paypal_capture", "pledge_enabled", "sdd_creditor", "sdd_creditor_identifier"] fields = ["sofort_api_id", "sofort_api_key", "sofort_project_id", "paypal_client_id", "paypal_secret", "paypal_capture", "pledge_enabled", "sdd_creditor", "sdd_creditor_identifier"]
values = {} values = {}
for field in fields: for field in fields:
try: try:
pref = SitePreferenceModel.objects.using(db_alias).get(section="payments", name=field) pref = GlobalPreferenceModel.objects.using(db_alias).get(section="payments", name=field)
except SitePreferenceModel.DoesNotExist: except GlobalPreferenceModel.DoesNotExist:
continue continue
value = pref.raw_value value = pref.raw_value