Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 19-update-supervisions-on-import
- 2.1.1
- 25-fields-must-be-unique-per-site
- 35-disambiguate-long-group-names
- 40-allow-selecting-plan-version-and-default-to-newest-version
- 41-create-match-failures-as-data-checks
- 49-import-should-respect-school_id
- 54-importing-lessons-fails-due-to-wrong-reg-ex
- 58-support-student-group-field-of-lesson
- 59-support-overlapping-periods
- 6-import-school-terms-and-validity-ranges
- 63-class-absences-lessons-with-multiple-classes-are-marked-as-cancelled-even-if-only-one-of-the
- 70-fix-until-date-of-previous-term-if-importing-new-term
- 74-update-for-current-changes-in-lesrooster
- 76-adjust-to-registryobject-classvar-name-change
- 9-fix-update_or_create-calls
- add-constance-settings-for-untis-db
- add-docs
- allow-30
- check/update-tox-ini
- Tags 20
- 3.0.1 protected
- 3.0 protected
- 3.0b0 protected
- 2.3.2 protected
- 2.3.1 protected
- 2.3 protected
- 2.2.1.dev0 protected
- 2.2 protected
- 2.2a0 protected
- 2.1.4.dev0 protected
- 2.1.3 protected
- 2.1.2 protected
- 2.1 protected
- 2.1.dev2 protected
- 2.1.dev1 protected
- 2.1.dev0 protected
- 2.0 protected
- 2.0rc3 protected
- 2.0rc2 protected
- 2.0rc1 protected
You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.