{# Display background color only if no badge exists and it is not the old room and there are no holidays #}
{% if not lesson_period.get_substitution.cancelled and not lesson_period.is_hol %}
{% if not lesson_period.room != lesson_period.get_room or type != 1 %}
{% if not lesson_period.get_substitution.cancelled and not lesson_period.get_substitution.cancelled_for_teachers %}
{% if not type == "room"orlesson_period.room ==lesson_period.get_roomorlesson_period.get_room ==el%}
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
{% if lesson_period.get_substitution and smart %}{% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}lesson-with-event{% else %}lesson-with-sub{% endif %}{% endif %}"
class="{% if lesson_period.get_substitution and smart %}{% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}lesson-with-event{% else %}lesson-with-sub{% endif %}{% endif %}"
{% if lesson_period.is_hol and smart %}
@@ -23,10 +22,10 @@
{% elif lesson_period.get_substitution and smart %}
{% with sub=lesson_period.get_substitution %}
{% if type == "room" and lesson_period.room != lesson_period.get_room %}
{% if type == "room" and lesson_period.room != lesson_period.get_room and lesson_period.get_room != el %}
{% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}
{% if type == 0 and lesson_period.substitution.table.classes == "" and lesson_period.substitution.table.rooms|length == 0 and lesson_period.substitutions.table.teachers|length == 0 %}
{# {% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}#}
{# {% if type == 0 and lesson_period.substitution.table.classes == "" and lesson_period.substitution.table.rooms|length == 0 and lesson_period.substitutions.table.teachers|length == 0 %}#}