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Verified Commit 92e3861c authored by Jonathan Weth's avatar Jonathan Weth :keyboard:
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Add docstrings and typing for lesson event, fix request handling

parent 037639b9
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1 merge request!301New data model based on calendar events
Pipeline #173774 failed
......@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ class GroupPropertiesMixin:
return sep.join([group.short_name for group in self.get_groups()])
def groups_to_show(self) -> models.QuerySet:
def groups_to_show(self) -> QuerySet[Group]:
groups = self.get_groups()
if (
groups.count() == 1
......@@ -869,13 +869,15 @@ class RoomPropertiesMixin:
class LessonEventQuerySet(PolymorphicQuerySet):
"""Queryset with special query methods for lesson events."""
def for_teacher(self, teacher: Union[int, Person]):
def for_teacher(self, teacher: Union[int, Person]) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
"""Get all lesson events for a certain person as teacher (including amends)."""
amended = self.filter(Q(amended_by__isnull=False) & (Q(teachers=teacher))).values_list(
"amended_by__pk", flat=True
return self.filter(Q(teachers=teacher) | Q(pk__in=amended)).distinct()
def for_group(self, group: Union[int, Group]):
def for_group(self, group: Union[int, Group]) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
"""Get all lesson events for a certain group (including amends/as parent group)."""
amended = self.filter(
Q(amended_by__isnull=False) & (Q(groups=group) | Q(groups__parent_groups=group))
).values_list("amended_by__pk", flat=True)
......@@ -883,19 +885,22 @@ class LessonEventQuerySet(PolymorphicQuerySet):
Q(groups=group) | Q(groups__parent_groups=group) | Q(pk__in=amended)
def for_room(self, room: Union[int, Room]):
def for_room(self, room: Union[int, Room]) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
"""Get all lesson events for a certain room (including amends)."""
amended = self.filter(Q(amended_by__isnull=False) & (Q(rooms=room))).values_list(
"amended_by__pk", flat=True
return self.filter(Q(rooms=room) | Q(pk__in=amended)).distinct()
def for_course(self, course: Union[int, Course]):
def for_course(self, course: Union[int, Course]) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
"""Get all lesson events for a certain course (including amends)."""
amended = self.filter(Q(amended_by__isnull=False) & (Q(course=course))).values_list(
"amended_by__pk", flat=True
return self.filter(Q(course=course) | Q(pk__in=amended)).distinct()
def for_person(self, person: Union[int, Person]):
def for_person(self, person: Union[int, Person]) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
"""Get all lesson events for a certain person (as teacher/participant, including amends)."""
amended = self.filter(
Q(amended_by__isnull=False) & (Q(teachers=person) | Q(groups__members=person))
).values_list("amended_by__pk", flat=True)
......@@ -903,7 +908,8 @@ class LessonEventQuerySet(PolymorphicQuerySet):
Q(teachers=person) | Q(groups__members=person) | Q(pk__in=amended)
def related_to_person(self, person: Union[int, Person]):
def related_to_person(self, person: Union[int, Person]) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
# FIXME Doc string, amended
amended = self.filter(
& (Q(teachers=person) | Q(groups__members=person) | Q(groups__owners=person))
......@@ -912,8 +918,10 @@ class LessonEventQuerySet(PolymorphicQuerySet):
Q(teachers=person) | Q(groups__members=person) | Q(groups__owners=person)
def not_amended(self):
def not_amended(self) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
"""Get all lesson events that are not amended."""
return self.filter(amended_by__isnull=True)
def not_amending(self):
def not_amending(self) -> "LessonEventQuerySet":
"""Get all lesson events that are not amending other events."""
return self.filter(amends__isnull=True)
......@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ValidationError
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Max, Min, Q
from django.db.models import Max, Min, Q, QuerySet
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.forms import Media
from django.http import HttpRequest
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
......@@ -1324,6 +1325,8 @@ class ChronosGlobalPermissions(GlobalPermissionModel):
class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
"""Calendar feed for lessons."""
name = "lesson"
verbose_name = _("Lessons")
......@@ -1374,15 +1377,18 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
def actual_groups(self: LessonEvent):
def actual_groups(self: LessonEvent) -> QuerySet[Group]:
"""Get list of the groups of this lesson event."""
return self.amends.groups.all() if self.amends else self.groups.all()
def all_members(self: LessonEvent) -> list[Person]:
"""Get list of all group members for this lesson event."""
return list(itertools.chain(*[list(g.members.all()) for g in self.actual_groups]))
def all_teachers(self: LessonEvent) -> list[Person]:
"""Get list of all teachers for this lesson event."""
all_teachers = list(self.teachers.all())
if self.amends:
all_teachers += list(self.amends.teachers.all())
......@@ -1390,18 +1396,22 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
def group_names(self: LessonEvent) -> str:
"""Get comma-separated string with all group names."""
return ", ".join([ for g in self.actual_groups])
def teacher_names(self: LessonEvent) -> str:
"""Get comma-separated string with all teacher names."""
return ", ".join([t.full_name for t in self.teachers.all()])
def room_names(self: LessonEvent) -> str:
"""Get comma-separated string with all room names."""
return ", ".join([ for r in self.rooms.all()])
def room_names_with_amends(self: LessonEvent) -> str:
"""Get comma-separated string with all room names (including amends)."""
my_room_names = self.room_names
amended_room_names = self.amends.room_names if self.amends else ""
......@@ -1413,6 +1423,7 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
def teacher_names_with_amends(self: LessonEvent) -> str:
"""Get comma-separated string with all teacher names (including amends)."""
my_teacher_names = self.teacher_names
amended_teacher_names = self.amends.teacher_names if self.amends else ""
......@@ -1424,6 +1435,7 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
def subject_name_with_amends(self: LessonEvent) -> str:
"""Get formatted subject name (including amends)."""
my_subject =
amended_subject = if self.amends else ""
......@@ -1434,16 +1446,19 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
return my_subject
def value_title(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
"""Get the title of the event."""
def value_title(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None) -> str:
"""Get the title of the lesson event."""
if reference_object.title:
return reference_object.title
elif reference_object.subject:
title =
if request.user.person in reference_object.teachers.all():
if request and request.user.person in reference_object.teachers.all():
title += " · " + reference_object.group_names
elif request:
title += " · " + reference_object.teacher_names
title += f" · {reference_object.group_names} · {reference_object.teacher_names}"
if reference_object.rooms.all().exists():
title += " · " + reference_object.room_names
return title
......@@ -1451,12 +1466,15 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
return _("Lesson")
def value_description(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
def value_description(
cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None
) -> str:
"""Get the description of the lesson event."""
return render_to_string("chronos/lesson_event_description.txt", {"event": reference_object})
def value_color(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
"""Get the color of the event."""
def value_color(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None) -> str:
"""Get the color of the lesson event."""
if reference_object.cancelled:
return "#eeeeee"
if reference_object.subject:
......@@ -1466,26 +1484,34 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
return super().value_color(reference_object, request)
def value_attendee(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
"""Get the attendees of the event."""
def value_attendee(
cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None
) -> str:
"""Get the attendees of the lesson event."""
# Only teachers due to privacy concerns
attendees = [t.get_vcal_address(role="CHAIR") for t in reference_object.teachers.all()]
return [a for a in attendees if a]
def value_location(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
"""Get the location of the event."""
return ", ".join([ for r in reference_object.rooms.all()])
def value_location(
cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None
) -> str:
"""Get the location of the lesson event."""
return reference_object.room_names_with_amends
def value_status(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
"""Get the status of the event."""
def value_status(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None) -> str:
"""Get the status of the lesson event."""
if reference_object.cancelled:
return "CANCELLED"
return "CONFIRMED"
def value_meta(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
"""Get the meta of the event."""
def value_meta(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None) -> str:
"""Get the meta of the lesson event.
These information will be primarly used in our own calendar frontend.
return {
"amended": bool(reference_object.amends),
......@@ -1502,12 +1528,12 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
for t in reference_object.teachers.all()
"is_teacher": request.user.person in reference_object.all_teachers,
"is_teacher": request.user.person in reference_object.all_teachers if request else None,
"groups": [
{"id":, "name":, "short_name": g.short_name}
for g in reference_object.actual_groups
"is_member": request.user.person in reference_object.all_members,
"is_member": request.user.person in reference_object.all_members if request else None,
"rooms": [
{"id":, "name":, "short_name": r.short_name}
for r in reference_object.rooms.all()
......@@ -1526,11 +1552,13 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
def get_objects(cls, request, params=None) -> Iterable:
def get_objects(
cls, request: HttpRequest | None = None, params: dict[str, any] | None = None
) -> Iterable:
"""Return all objects that should be included in the calendar."""
objs = super().get_objects(request, params).not_instance_of(SupervisionEvent)
if not has_person(request.user):
if request and not has_person(request.user):
raise PermissionDenied()
if params:
......@@ -1546,7 +1574,7 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
if not_amending:
objs = objs.not_amending()
if "own" in params:
if request and "own" in params:
if own:
objs = objs.for_person(request.user.person)
......@@ -1561,9 +1589,9 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
return objs.for_room(obj_id)
elif type_ == "COURSE":
return objs.for_course(obj_id)
elif "own" in params:
return objs
return objs.for_person(request.user.person)
if request:
return objs.for_person(request.user.person)
return objs
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Lesson Event")
......@@ -1571,25 +1599,31 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
class SupervisionEvent(LessonEvent):
"""Calendar feed for supervisions."""
name = "supervision"
verbose_name = _("Supervisions")
objects = PolymorphicBaseManager.from_queryset(LessonEventQuerySet)()
def value_title(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
def value_title(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None) -> str:
"""Get the title of the event."""
return _("Supervision: {}").format(reference_object.room_names)
def value_description(cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request) -> str:
def value_description(
cls, reference_object: LessonEvent, request: HttpRequest | None = None
) -> str:
return render_to_string(
"chronos/supervision_event_description.txt", {"event": reference_object}
def get_objects(cls, request, params=None) -> Iterable:
def get_objects(
cls, request: HttpRequest | None = None, params: dict[str, any] | None = None
) -> Iterable:
"""Return all objects that should be included in the calendar."""
objs = cls.objects.instance_of(cls)
if params:
......@@ -1603,4 +1637,6 @@ class SupervisionEvent(LessonEvent):
return objs.for_group(obj_id)
elif type_ == "ROOM":
return objs.for_room(obj_id)
return objs.for_person(request.user.person)
if request:
return objs.for_person(request.user.person)
return objs
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