Jonathan Weth authoredJonathan Weth authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.rst 8.35 KiB
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Send notifications for changes done via daily lessons page.
2.4.1 - 2022-08-31
- The week and lesson period fields in the edit substitution form could be changed and the comment field was missing.
2.4 - 2022-06-23
- Add Ukrainian locale (contributed by Sergiy Gorichenko from Fre(i)e Software GmbH).
- Change the icon set to iconify.
- Remove the update() method in AutomaticPlan (it is inherited from LiveDocument in Resint).
- Optimize exam model and add reference to exams at extra lessons.
- Lessons weren't shown as cancelled on teacher or room timetables if events had replaced them.
- The teacher dropdown in the substitution edit form did not contain suggestions.
- The URLs containing the term "substitution" were missspelled.
2.3 - 2022-03-21
- Add support for notifications about current changes to the users' timetables.
- All timetables showed teachers and rooms from all school terms and not only the current.
2.2.1 - 2022-02-13
- Substitution table was not usable on mobile devices.
2.2 - 2022-01-12
- Ignore lesson background colour if it is the same as the foreground colour.
- Added link to class register week view for users of the Alsijil class register.
2.1 - 2022-01-04
- Add support for automatically generating PDF files of substitutions plans on data changes.
- Display warning if no timetable exists in one category.
- The subject linked to a group can now be edited in the normal group edit form.
- Names of subjects no longer have to be unique (short names still have to be).
- Update German translations.
- Events replace normal lesson periods in all views.
- Announcements weren't shown on substitutions printout.
- Do registration of additional fields in form_extensions module.
- Automatic plan update failed if objects were deleted.
2.0 - 2021-10-30
- Improve the formatting of the print version of the substitution plan * Reduce the page margin. * Reduce the space between the header and the heading. * Display block of absences as a table.
- Do not show substitutions on regular timetables.
2.0rc3 - 2021-09-24
- Support dates for
. - Update translations.
returned a proxy type instead a string.
2.0rc2 - 2021-08-01
- Drop usage of non-existing permission in permission rules for lesson substitutions.
2.0rc1 - 2021-06-23
- Use semantically correct html elements for headings and alerts.
2.0b3 - 2021-06-16
- Use a more speaking name for preference section ("Timetables" instead of "Chronos").
- Preference section verbose names were displayed in server language and not user language (fixed by using gettext_lazy).
- Affected groups and persons in substitutions list were displayed multiple times.
didn't work as expected if a person has no lessons. - End of validity ranges list wasn't detected correctly in
2.0b2 - 2021-06-02
- Migration path was ambigious
- Unique constraints for breaks and substitutions were too tight
- Absences in substitutions list were displayed multiple times.
2.0b1 - 2021-05-22
- Fix migration names and dependencies
2.0b0 - 2021-05-21
- Introduce validity range and link data to validity ranges.
- Add option to link subjects to groups
- Add search indices for rooms.
- Show week version of smart timetable on desktop devices.
- Add PDF export function for regular timetables.
- Link week-related models not only to weeks, but also to years.
- Optimise query count in timetable views.
- Go to next week if current day is out of range (weekly timetable view).
- Summarize double lessons in substitutions print view.
- Show only parent groups in "Affected groups".
- Do not show dates in regular timetable.
- Show correct tooltip for rooms in substitution table.
- Show extra lessons in which a person is the new teacher in "My timetable".
- Show translations for weekdays.
- Show absent teachers in substitutions plan.
- Show supervisions in substitutions plan.
- Sort teacher short names alphabetically.
- Sort substitutions table by parent groups if displaying parent groups is activated.
- Make previous/next lesson API functions independent of the validity range.
- Show only regular elements in regular timetable, don't include information like holidays.
2.0a2 - 2020-05-04
- Header box with absent and affected teachers and groups.
- Provide smart plan for current day as dashboard widget.
- Roles and permissions for timetable and lists.
- Show events in timetable.
- Show exams in timetable.
- Show holidays in timetable.
- Show supervision substitutions in timetable and list.
- Improve handling of different types (substitutions, timetables,…).
- Improve view for groups in timetable views.
- More intelligent personal timetable (checks if current person is teacher,…).
- Show announcements in timetable views.
- Devs: Move prev/next function to models.
- Devs: Rename field abbrev to short_name.
- Force all lessons in timetable to same height.
- Render empty periods correctly.
2.0a1 - 2020-02-01
- Migrate to MaterializeCSS
- Redesign filter ui for rooms, classes or teachers.
- Rename person timetabe for current day to "smart plan".
- Catch error if no timetable data is available.
1.0a3 - 2019-11-24
- Add list of all future substitutions.
- Devs: Add API to get date of a period.
1.0a2 - 2019-11-11
- Devs: LessonPeriod now has a custom QuerySet and manager for advanced filtering.
- Room plan includes substituted lessons now.
1.0a1 - 2019-09-17
- Support lesson cancellation.
- Devs: Add fully pythonic API for calendar weeks.
- Redirect to correct date after editing a substitution.
- Correctly display teachers for substituted lessons.
- Use bootstrap buttons everywhere.