Jonathan Weth authoredJonathan Weth authored
models.py 20.42 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, time
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
from django.core import validators
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import F, Max, Min, Q
from django.db.models.aggregates import Count
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce
from django.forms import Media
from django.http.request import QueryDict
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.decorators import classproperty
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from calendarweek.django import CalendarWeek, i18n_day_names_lazy, i18n_day_abbrs_lazy
from django_global_request.middleware import get_request
from aleksis.core.mixins import ExtensibleModel
from aleksis.core.models import Group, Person, DashboardWidget
from aleksis.apps.chronos.util.date import week_weekday_from_date
from aleksis.core.util.core_helpers import has_person
class LessonPeriodManager(models.Manager):
""" Manager adding specific methods to lesson periods. """
def get_queryset(self):
""" Ensures all related lesson data is loaded as well. """
return (
.select_related("lesson", "lesson__subject", "period", "room")
.prefetch_related("lesson__groups", "lesson__teachers", "substitutions")
class LessonSubstitutionManager(models.Manager):
""" Manager adding specific methods to lesson substitutions. """
def get_queryset(self):
""" Ensures all related lesson data is loaded as well. """
return (
.prefetch_related("lesson_period__lesson__groups", "teachers")
class LessonDataQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
""" Overrides default QuerySet to add specific methods for lesson data. """
# Overridden in the subclasses. Swaps the paths to the base lesson period
# and to any substitutions depending on whether the query is run on a
# lesson period or a substitution
_period_path = None
_subst_path = None
def within_dates(self, start: date, end: date):
""" Filter for all lessons within a date range. """
return self.filter(
self._period_path + "lesson__date_start__lte": start,
self._period_path + "lesson__date_end__gte": end,
def in_week(self, wanted_week: CalendarWeek):
""" Filter for all lessons within a calendar week. """
return self.within_dates(
wanted_week[0] + timedelta(days=1) * (F(self._period_path + "period__weekday") - 1),
wanted_week[0] + timedelta(days=1) * (F(self._period_path + "period__weekday") - 1),
def on_day(self, day: date):
""" Filter for all lessons on a certain day. """
week, weekday = week_weekday_from_date(day)
return (
self.within_dates(day, day)
.filter(**{self._period_path + "period__weekday": weekday})
def at_time(self, when: Optional[datetime] = None):
""" Filter for the lessons taking place at a certain point in time. """
now = when or datetime.now()
week, weekday = week_weekday_from_date(now.date())
return self.filter(
self._period_path + "lesson__date_start__lte": now.date(),
self._period_path + "lesson__date_end__gte": now.date(),
self._period_path + "period__weekday": now.weekday(),
self._period_path + "period__time_start__lte": now.time(),
self._period_path + "period__time_end__gte": now.time(),
def filter_participant(self, person: Union[Person, int]):
""" Filter for all lessons a participant (student) attends. """
return self.filter(
Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups__members": person})
| Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups__parent_groups__members": person})
def filter_group(self, group: Union[Group, int]):
""" Filter for all lessons a group (class) regularly attends. """
return self.filter(
Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups": group})
| Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups__parent_groups": group})
def filter_teacher(self, teacher: Union[Person, int]):
""" Filter for all lessons given by a certain teacher. """
return self.filter(
Q(**{self._subst_path + "teachers": teacher, self._subst_path + "week": F("_week"),})
| Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__teachers": teacher})
def filter_room(self, room: Union[Room, int]):
""" Filter for all lessons taking part in a certain room. """
return self.filter(
Q(**{self._subst_path + "room": room, self._subst_path + "week": F("_week"),})
| Q(**{self._period_path + "room": room})
def annotate_week(self, week: Union[CalendarWeek, int]):
""" Annotate all lessons in the QuerySet with the number of the provided calendar week. """
if isinstance(week, CalendarWeek):
week_num = week.week
week_num = week
return self.annotate(_week=models.Value(week_num, models.IntegerField()))
class LessonPeriodQuerySet(LessonDataQuerySet):
_period_path = ""
_subst_path = "substitutions__"
def next(self, reference: LessonPeriod, offset: Optional[int] = 1) -> LessonPeriod:
""" Get another lesson in an ordered set of lessons.
By default, it returns the next lesson in the set. By passing the offset argument,
the n-th next lesson can be selected. By passing a negative number, the n-th
previous lesson can be selected.
index = list(self.values_list("id", flat=True)).index(reference.id)
next_index = index + offset
if next_index > self.count() - 1:
next_index %= self.count()
week = reference._week + 1
week = reference._week
return self.annotate_week(week).all()[next_index]
def filter_from_query(self, query_data: QueryDict) -> models.QuerySet:
""" Apply all filters from a GET or POST query.
This method expects a QueryDict, like the GET or POST attribute of a Request
object, that contains one or more of the keys group, teacher or room.
All three fields are filtered, in order.
if query_data.get("group", None):
return self.filter_group(int(query_data["group"]))
if query_data.get("teacher", None):
return self.filter_teacher(int(query_data["teacher"]))
if query_data.get("room", None):
return self.filter_room(int(query_data["room"]))
def filter_from_type(self, type_: str, pk: int) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
if type_ == "group":
return self.filter_group(pk)
elif type_ == "teacher":
return self.filter_teacher(pk)
elif type_ == "room":
return self.filter_room(pk)
return None
def filter_from_person(self, person: Person) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
type_ = person.timetable_type
if type_ == "teacher":
# Teacher
return person.lesson_periods_as_teacher
elif type_ == "group":
# Student
return person.lesson_periods_as_participant
# If no student or teacher
return None
def daily_lessons_for_person(self, person: Person, wanted_day: date) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
lesson_periods = LessonPeriod.objects.filter_from_person(person)
if lesson_periods is None:
return None
return lesson_periods.on_day(wanted_day)
def per_period_one_day(self) -> OrderedDict:
""" Group selected lessons per period for one day """
per_period = {}
for lesson_period in self:
if lesson_period.period.period in per_period:
per_period[lesson_period.period.period] = [lesson_period]
return OrderedDict(sorted(per_period.items()))
class LessonSubstitutionQuerySet(LessonDataQuerySet):
_period_path = "lesson_period__"
_subst_path = ""
def affected_lessons(self):
""" Return all lessons which are affected by selected substitutions """
return Lesson.objects.filter(lesson_periods__substitutions__in=self)
def affected_teachers(self):
""" Return all teachers which are affected by selected substitutions (as substituted or substituting) """
return Person.objects.filter(
| Q(lesson_substitutions__in=self)
def affected_groups(self):
""" Return all groups which are affected by selected substitutions """
return Group.objects.filter(lessons__in=self.affected_lessons()).annotate(
class TimePeriod(models.Model):
WEEKDAY_CHOICES = list(enumerate(i18n_day_names_lazy()))
WEEKDAY_CHOICES_SHORT = list(enumerate(i18n_day_abbrs_lazy()))
weekday = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(verbose_name=_("Week day"), choices=WEEKDAY_CHOICES)
period = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(verbose_name=_("Number of period"))
time_start = models.TimeField(verbose_name=_("Time the period starts"))
time_end = models.TimeField(verbose_name=_("Time the period ends"))
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "%s, %d. period (%s - %s)" % (
def get_times_dict(cls) -> Dict[int, Tuple[datetime, datetime]]:
periods = {}
for period in cls.objects.all():
periods[period.period] = (period.time_start, period.time_end)
return periods
def get_date(self, week: Optional[Union[CalendarWeek, int]] = None) -> date:
if isinstance(week, CalendarWeek):
wanted_week = week
year = date.today().year
week_number = week or getattr(self, "_week", None) or CalendarWeek().week
if week_number < self.school.current_term.date_start.isocalendar()[1]:
year += 1
wanted_week = CalendarWeek(year=year, week=week_number)
return wanted_week[self.weekday]
def get_next_relevant_day(cls, day: Optional[date] = None, time: Optional[time] = None, prev: bool = False) -> date:
""" Returns next (previous) day with lessons depending on date and time """
if day is None:
day = timezone.now().date()
if time is not None and not prev:
if time > cls.time_max:
day += timedelta(days=1)
cw = CalendarWeek.from_date(day)
if day.weekday() > cls.weekday_max:
if prev:
day = cw[cls.weekday_max]
cw += 1
day = cw[cls.weekday_min]
elif day.weekday() < TimePeriod.weekday_min:
if prev:
cw -= 1
day = cw[cls.weekday_max]
day = cw[cls.weekday_min]
return day
def get_prev_next_by_day(cls, day: date, url: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
""" Build URLs for previous/next day """
day_prev = cls.get_next_relevant_day(day - timedelta(days=1), prev=True)
day_next = cls.get_next_relevant_day(day + timedelta(days=1))
url_prev = reverse(url, args=[day_prev.year, day_prev.month, day_prev.day])
url_next = reverse(url, args=[day_next.year, day_next.month, day_next.day])
return url_prev, url_next
def period_min(cls) -> int:
return cls.objects.aggregate(period__min=Coalesce(Min("period"), 1)).get("period__min")
def period_max(cls) -> int:
return cls.objects.aggregate(period__max=Coalesce(Max("period"), 7)).get("period__max")
def time_min(cls) -> Optional[time]:
return cls.objects.aggregate(Min("time_start")).get("time_start__min")
def time_max(cls) -> Optional[time]:
return cls.objects.aggregate(Max("time_start")).get("time_start__max")
def weekday_min(cls) -> int:
return cls.objects.aggregate(weekday__min=Coalesce(Min("weekday"), 0)).get("weekday__min")
def weekday_max(cls) -> int:
return cls.objects.aggregate(weekday__max=Coalesce(Max("weekday"), 6)).get("weekday__max")
class Meta:
unique_together = [["weekday", "period"]]
ordering = ["weekday", "period"]
indexes = [models.Index(fields=["time_start", "time_end"])]
class Subject(models.Model):
abbrev = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Abbreviation of subject in timetable"), max_length=10, unique=True,
name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("Long name of subject"), max_length=30, unique=True)
colour_fg = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Foreground colour in timetable"),
colour_bg = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Background colour in timetable"),
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "%s - %s" % (self.abbrev, self.name)
class Meta:
ordering = ["name", "abbrev"]
class Room(models.Model):
short_name = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Short name, e.g. room number"), max_length=10, unique=True
name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("Long name"), max_length=30)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "%s (%s)" % (self.name, self.short_name)
class Meta:
ordering = ["name", "short_name"]
class Lesson(models.Model):
subject = models.ForeignKey("Subject", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="lessons")
teachers = models.ManyToManyField("core.Person", related_name="lessons_as_teacher")
periods = models.ManyToManyField("TimePeriod", related_name="lessons", through="LessonPeriod")
groups = models.ManyToManyField("core.Group", related_name="lessons")
date_start = models.DateField(verbose_name=_("Effective start date of lesson"), null=True)
date_end = models.DateField(verbose_name=_("Effective end date of lesson"), null=True)
def teacher_names(self, sep: Optional[str] = ", ") -> str:
return sep.join([teacher.full_name for teacher in self.teachers.all()])
def group_names(self, sep: Optional[str] = ", ") -> str:
return sep.join([group.short_name for group in self.groups.all()])
def get_calendar_week(self, week: int):
year = self.date_start.year
if week < int(self.date_start.strftime("%V")):
year += 1
return CalendarWeek(year=year, week=week)
class Meta:
ordering = ["date_start"]
indexes = [models.Index(fields=["date_start", "date_end"])]
class LessonSubstitution(models.Model):
objects = LessonSubstitutionManager.from_queryset(LessonSubstitutionQuerySet)()
week = models.IntegerField(verbose_name=_("Week"), default=CalendarWeek.current_week)
lesson_period = models.ForeignKey("LessonPeriod", models.CASCADE, "substitutions")
subject = models.ForeignKey(
teachers = models.ManyToManyField(
"core.Person", related_name="lesson_substitutions", blank=True
room = models.ForeignKey("Room", models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Room"))
cancelled = models.BooleanField(default=False)
def clean(self) -> None:
if self.subject and self.cancelled:
raise ValidationError(_("Lessons can only be either substituted or cancelled."))
def type_(self):
# TODO: Add cases events and supervisions
if self.cancelled:
return "cancellation"
return "substitution"
class Meta:
unique_together = [["lesson_period", "week"]]
ordering = [
constraints = [
check=~Q(cancelled=True, subject__isnull=False),
class LessonPeriod(ExtensibleModel):
objects = LessonPeriodManager.from_queryset(LessonPeriodQuerySet)()
lesson = models.ForeignKey("Lesson", models.CASCADE, related_name="lesson_periods")
period = models.ForeignKey("TimePeriod", models.CASCADE, related_name="lesson_periods")
room = models.ForeignKey("Room", models.CASCADE, null=True, related_name="lesson_periods")
def get_substitution(self, week: Optional[int] = None) -> LessonSubstitution:
wanted_week = week or getattr(self, "_week", None) or CalendarWeek().week
# We iterate over all substitutions because this can make use of
# prefetching when this model is loaded from outside, in contrast
# to .filter()
for substitution in self.substitutions.all():
if substitution.week == wanted_week:
return substitution
return None
def get_subject(self) -> Optional[Subject]:
if self.get_substitution() and self.get_substitution().subject:
return self.get_substitution().subject
return self.lesson.subject
def get_teachers(self) -> models.query.QuerySet:
if self.get_substitution():
return self.get_substitution().teachers
return self.lesson.teachers
def get_room(self) -> Optional[Room]:
if self.get_substitution() and self.get_substitution().room:
return self.get_substitution().room
return self.room
def get_teacher_names(self, sep: Optional[str] = ", ") -> str:
return sep.join([teacher.full_name for teacher in self.get_teachers().all()])
def get_groups(self) -> models.query.QuerySet:
return self.lesson.groups
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "%s, %d., %s, %s" % (
", ".join(list(self.lesson.groups.values_list("short_name", flat=True))),
class Meta:
ordering = ["lesson__date_start", "period__weekday", "period__period"]
indexes = [models.Index(fields=["lesson", "period"])]
class TimetableWidget(DashboardWidget):
template = "chronos/widget.html"
def get_context(self):
request = get_request()
context = {"has_plan": True}
wanted_day = TimePeriod.get_next_relevant_day(timezone.now().date(), datetime.now().time())
if has_person(request.user):
person = request.user.person
lesson_periods = LessonPeriod.objects.daily_lessons_for_person(person, wanted_day)
type_ = person.timetable_type
if type_ is None:
# If no student or teacher, redirect to all timetables
context["has_plan"] = False
context["lesson_periods"] = lesson_periods.per_period_one_day()
context["type"] = type_
context["day"] = wanted_day
context["periods"] = TimePeriod.get_times_dict()
context["smart"] = True
context["has_plan"] = False
return context
media = Media(css={
"all": ("css/chronos/timetable.css",)
class Meta:
proxy = True
verbose_name = _("Timetable widget")