Nik | Klampfradler authored
Closes #80
Nik | Klampfradler authoredCloses #80
managers.py 16.31 KiB
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Union
from django.contrib.sites.managers import CurrentSiteManager
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Count, F, Q
from calendarweek import CalendarWeek
from aleksis.apps.chronos.util.date import week_weekday_from_date
from aleksis.core.models import Group, Person
from aleksis.core.util.core_helpers import get_site_preferences
from .models import LessonPeriod
class TimetableType(Enum):
"""Enum for different types of timetables."""
GROUP = "group"
TEACHER = "teacher"
ROOM = "room"
def from_string(cls, s: Optional[str]):
return cls.__members__.get(s.upper())
class LessonPeriodManager(CurrentSiteManager):
"""Manager adding specific methods to lesson periods."""
def get_queryset(self):
"""Ensure all related lesson data is loaded as well."""
return (
.select_related("lesson", "lesson__subject", "period", "room")
.prefetch_related("lesson__groups", "lesson__teachers", "substitutions")
class LessonSubstitutionManager(CurrentSiteManager):
"""Manager adding specific methods to lesson substitutions."""
def get_queryset(self):
"""Ensure all related lesson data is loaded as well."""
return (
.prefetch_related("lesson_period__lesson__groups", "teachers")
class WeekQuerySetMixin:
def annotate_week(self, week: Union[CalendarWeek, int]):
"""Annotate all lessons in the QuerySet with the number of the provided calendar week."""
if isinstance(week, CalendarWeek):
week_num = week.week
week_num = week
return self.annotate(_week=models.Value(week_num, models.IntegerField()))
class GroupByPeriodsMixin:
def group_by_periods(self, is_person: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Group a QuerySet of objects with attribute period by period numbers and weekdays."""
per_period = {}
for obj in self:
period = obj.period.period
weekday = obj.period.weekday
if period not in per_period:
per_period[period] = [] if is_person else {}
if not is_person and weekday not in per_period[period]:
per_period[period][weekday] = []
if is_person:
return per_period
class LessonDataQuerySet(models.QuerySet, WeekQuerySetMixin):
"""Overrides default QuerySet to add specific methods for lesson data."""
# Overridden in the subclasses. Swaps the paths to the base lesson period
# and to any substitutions depending on whether the query is run on a
# lesson period or a substitution
_period_path = None
_subst_path = None
def within_dates(self, start: date, end: date):
"""Filter for all lessons within a date range."""
return self.filter(
self._period_path + "lesson__date_start__lte": start,
self._period_path + "lesson__date_end__gte": end,
def in_week(self, wanted_week: CalendarWeek):
"""Filter for all lessons within a calendar week."""
return self.within_dates(
wanted_week[0] + timedelta(days=1) * (F(self._period_path + "period__weekday") - 1),
wanted_week[0] + timedelta(days=1) * (F(self._period_path + "period__weekday") - 1),
def on_day(self, day: date):
"""Filter for all lessons on a certain day."""
week, weekday = week_weekday_from_date(day)
return (
self.within_dates(day, day)
.filter(**{self._period_path + "period__weekday": weekday})
def at_time(self, when: Optional[datetime] = None):
"""Filter for the lessons taking place at a certain point in time."""
now = when or datetime.now()
week, weekday = week_weekday_from_date(now.date())
return self.filter(
self._period_path + "lesson__date_start__lte": now.date(),
self._period_path + "lesson__date_end__gte": now.date(),
self._period_path + "period__weekday": now.weekday(),
self._period_path + "period__time_start__lte": now.time(),
self._period_path + "period__time_end__gte": now.time(),
def filter_participant(self, person: Union[Person, int]):
"""Filter for all lessons a participant (student) attends."""
return self.filter(
Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups__members": person})
| Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups__parent_groups__members": person})
def filter_group(self, group: Union[Group, int]):
"""Filter for all lessons a group (class) regularly attends."""
if isinstance(group, int):
group = Group.objects.get(pk=group)
if group.parent_groups.all():
# Prevent to show lessons multiple times
return self.filter(Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups": group}))
return self.filter(
Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups": group})
| Q(**{self._period_path + "lesson__groups__parent_groups": group})
def filter_teacher(self, teacher: Union[Person, int]):
"""Filter for all lessons given by a certain teacher."""
qs1 = self.filter(**{self._period_path + "lesson__teachers": teacher})
qs2 = self.filter(
**{self._subst_path + "teachers": teacher, self._subst_path + "week": F("_week"),}
return qs1.union(qs2)
def filter_room(self, room: Union["Room", int]):
"""Filter for all lessons taking part in a certain room."""
qs1 = self.filter(**{self._period_path + "room": room})
qs2 = self.filter(
**{self._subst_path + "room": room, self._subst_path + "week": F("_week"),}
return qs1.union(qs2)
def filter_from_type(self, type_: TimetableType, pk: int) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
"""Filter lesson data for a group, teacher or room by provided type."""
if type_ == TimetableType.GROUP:
return self.filter_group(pk)
elif type_ == TimetableType.TEACHER:
return self.filter_teacher(pk)
elif type_ == TimetableType.ROOM:
return self.filter_room(pk)
return None
def filter_from_person(self, person: Person) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
"""Filter lesson data for a person."""
type_ = person.timetable_type
if type_ == TimetableType.TEACHER:
# Teacher
return self.filter_teacher(person)
elif type_ == TimetableType.GROUP:
# Student
return self.filter(lesson__groups__members=person)
# If no student or teacher
return None
def daily_lessons_for_person(
self, person: Person, wanted_day: date
) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
"""Filter lesson data on a day by a person."""
if person.timetable_type is None:
return None
lesson_periods = self.on_day(wanted_day).filter_from_person(person)
return lesson_periods
def next(self, reference: "LessonPeriod", offset: Optional[int] = 1) -> "LessonPeriod":
"""Get another lesson in an ordered set of lessons.
By default, it returns the next lesson in the set. By passing the offset argument,
the n-th next lesson can be selected. By passing a negative number, the n-th
previous lesson can be selected.
index = list(self.values_list("id", flat=True)).index(reference.id)
next_index = index + offset
if next_index > self.count() - 1:
next_index %= self.count()
week = reference._week + 1
week = reference._week
return self.annotate_week(week).all()[next_index]
class LessonPeriodQuerySet(LessonDataQuerySet, GroupByPeriodsMixin):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for lesson periods."""
_period_path = ""
_subst_path = "substitutions__"
class LessonSubstitutionQuerySet(LessonDataQuerySet):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for substitutions."""
_period_path = "lesson_period__"
_subst_path = ""
def affected_lessons(self):
"""Return all lessons which are affected by selected substitutions."""
from .models import Lesson # noaq
return Lesson.objects.filter(lesson_periods__substitutions__in=self)
def affected_teachers(self):
"""Get affected teachers.
Return all teachers which are affected by
selected substitutions (as substituted or substituting)."""
return Person.objects.filter(
Q(lessons_as_teacher__in=self.affected_lessons()) | Q(lesson_substitutions__in=self)
def affected_groups(self):
"""Return all groups which are affected by selected substitutions."""
return Group.objects.filter(lessons__in=self.affected_lessons()).annotate(
class DateRangeQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for models with date and period ranges.
Filterable fields: date_start, date_end, period_from, period_to
def within_dates(self, start: date, end: date):
"""Filter for all events within a date range."""
return self.filter(date_start__lte=end, date_end__gte=start)
def in_week(self, wanted_week: CalendarWeek):
"""Filter for all events within a calendar week."""
return self.within_dates(wanted_week[0], wanted_week[6])
def on_day(self, day: date):
"""Filter for all events on a certain day."""
return self.within_dates(day, day)
def at_time(self, when: Optional[datetime] = None):
"""Filter for the events taking place at a certain point in time."""
now = when or datetime.now()
return self.on_day(now.date()).filter(
period_from__time_start__lte=now.time(), period_to__time_end__gte=now.time()
class AbsenceQuerySet(DateRangeQuerySet):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for absences."""
def absent_teachers(self):
return Person.objects.filter(absences__in=self).annotate(absences_count=Count("absences"))
def absent_groups(self):
return Group.objects.filter(absences__in=self).annotate(absences_count=Count("absences"))
def absent_rooms(self):
return Person.objects.filter(absences__in=self).annotate(absences_count=Count("absences"))
class HolidayQuerySet(DateRangeQuerySet):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for holidays."""
class SupervisionQuerySet(models.QuerySet, WeekQuerySetMixin):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for supervisions."""
def filter_by_weekday(self, weekday: int):
"""Filter supervisions by weekday."""
| Q(break_item__after_period__weekday=weekday)
def filter_by_teacher(self, teacher: Union[Person, int]):
"""Filter for all supervisions given by a certain teacher."""
if self.count() > 0:
if hasattr(self[0], "_week"):
week = CalendarWeek(week=self[0]._week)
week = CalendarWeek.current_week()
dates = [week[w] for w in range(0, 7)]
return self.filter(
Q(substitutions__teacher=teacher, substitutions__date__in=dates)
| Q(teacher=teacher)
return self
class TimetableQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
"""Common query set methods for objects in timetables.
Models need following fields:
- groups
- teachers
- rooms (_multiple_rooms=True)/room (_multiple_rooms=False)
_multiple_rooms = True
def filter_participant(self, person: Union[Person, int]):
"""Filter for all objects a participant (student) attends."""
return self.filter(Q(groups_members=person))
def filter_group(self, group: Union[Group, int]):
"""Filter for all objects a group (class) attends."""
if isinstance(group, int):
group = Group.objects.get(pk=group)
if group.parent_groups.all():
# Prevent to show lessons multiple times
return self.filter(groups=group)
return self.filter(Q(groups=group) | Q(groups__parent_groups=group))
def filter_teacher(self, teacher: Union[Person, int]):
"""Filter for all lessons given by a certain teacher."""
return self.filter(teachers=teacher)
def filter_room(self, room: Union["Room", int]):
"""Filter for all objects taking part in a certain room."""
if self._multiple_rooms:
return self.filter(rooms=room)
return self.filter(room=room)
def filter_from_type(self, type_: TimetableType, pk: int) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
"""Filter data for a group, teacher or room by provided type."""
if type_ == TimetableType.GROUP:
return self.filter_group(pk)
elif type_ == TimetableType.TEACHER:
return self.filter_teacher(pk)
elif type_ == TimetableType.ROOM:
return self.filter_room(pk)
return None
def filter_from_person(self, person: Person) -> Optional[models.QuerySet]:
"""Filter data by person."""
type_ = person.timetable_type
if type_ == TimetableType.TEACHER:
# Teacher
return self.filter_teacher(person)
elif type_ == TimetableType.GROUP:
# Student
return self.filter_participant(person)
# If no student or teacher
return None
class EventQuerySet(DateRangeQuerySet, TimetableQuerySet):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for events."""
def annotate_day(self, day: date):
"""Annotate all events in the QuerySet with the provided date."""
return self.annotate(_date=models.Value(day, models.DateField()))
class ExtraLessonQuerySet(TimetableQuerySet, GroupByPeriodsMixin):
"""QuerySet with custom query methods for extra lessons."""
_multiple_rooms = False
def within_dates(self, start: date, end: date):
"""Filter all extra lessons within a specific time range."""
week_start = CalendarWeek.from_date(start)
week_end = CalendarWeek.from_date(end)
return self.filter(
def on_day(self, day: date):
"""Filter all extra lessons on a day."""
return self.within_dates(day, day)
class GroupPropertiesMixin:
"""Mixin for common group properties.
Needed field: `groups`
def group_names(self, sep: Optional[str] = ", ") -> str:
return sep.join([group.short_name for group in self.groups.all()])
def groups_to_show(self) -> models.QuerySet:
groups = self.groups.all()
if (
groups.count() == 1
and groups[0].parent_groups.all()
and get_site_preferences()["chronos__use_parent_groups"]
return groups[0].parent_groups.all()
return groups
def groups_to_show_names(self, sep: Optional[str] = ", ") -> str:
return sep.join([group.short_name for group in self.groups_to_show])
class TeacherPropertiesMixin:
"""Mixin for common teacher properties.
Needed field: `teacher`
def teacher_names(self, sep: Optional[str] = ", ") -> str:
return sep.join([teacher.full_name for teacher in self.teachers.all()])