Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_, and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_. Unreleased ---------- `2.2.1` - 2022-02-03 -------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Fix logic and syntax mistaks in parts of process * Remove hard-coded email domain from Schild-NRW import templates. `2.2`_ - 2022-02-03 ------------------- Added ~~~~~ * ZIP files with multiple CSVs and accompanying photos can now be imported * Field types can now provide values for arbitrary alternative DB fields * Virtual fields can be generated from literal fields using Django templates * Field data can be post-processed using Django templates * Fields for Group.parent_groups and Person.member_of * Quote character can now be configured in template Fixed ~~~~~ * CSV files with non-UTF-8 charsets can now be imported * Imports could expose undefined behaviour when hitting the same interpreter process Changed ~~~~~~~ * Refactored import and field type code for better readability `2.1`_ - 2022-01-17 ------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Add RegEx field type for parsing CSV fields to multiple DB fields. * Add field type to parse a combined street and housenumber. * Add field type to set an owner of a person's primary group by its short name. * Add support for synchronously running the import using the management command. * Support uploading template definitions as YAML files through the frontend. * Add overview of all registered import templates in frontend. * Register string functions lstrip, rstrip, strip, capitalise, lower, upper, and title as converters * Allow defining one or multiple converters in templates Changed ~~~~~~~ * Use YAML for configuration of (default) import templates. * Extend the field type API using getters to make attributes more dynamic. * Don't limit the import on specific models. * Support adding domains to local parts of email addresses. * Unclearly used ``is_active`` flag for ``Person`` model was removed * Use phone number country code setting from AlekSIS-Core. * Update German translations. Fixed ~~~~~ * Management commands like ``collectstatic`` now work with no database being configured. * Import failed when phone numbers weren't exactly valid (e. g. a missing number). * Field type ``primary_group_by_short_name`` failed on non-existing group. * Match field types ignored the priority settings. * Data in match field types weren't used for the import if not used for match. * Fixed argument parsing for management command * First column of CSV files could not be imported * Celery task wasn't correctly registered. * Management command wasn't usable due to missing arguments. * Add documentation. Removed ~~~~~~~ * Drop TOML support for configuration of (default) import templates. `2.0`_ - 2021-12-20 ------------------- Nothing changed. `2.0rc2`_ - 2021-07-23 ---------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Drop usage of no longer existing method ``get_subject_by_short_name``. `2.0rc1`_ - 2021-06-23 ---------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Preference section verbose names were displayed in server language and not user language (fixed by using gettext_lazy). * Fix distribution name discovery for AlekSIS about page `2.0b1`_ - 2021-06-01 --------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Make Chronos optional: * Department group creation works without Chronos now. `2.0b0`_ - 2021-05-21 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Introduce a generic, customisable CSV importer based on import templates and field types. * Add import templates for Pedasos (students, teachers, classes, courses, parents). Removed ~~~~~~~ * Remove integrated support for Schild-NRW import due to missing testing options. `1.0a2`_ - 2019-11-11 --------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Handle PhoneNumberParseErrors gracefully. `1.0a1`_ - 2019-09-17 --------------------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Deactivate persons that are set to inactive in SchILD. Changed ~~~~~~~ * Show number of created and deactivated persons after import. Fixed ~~~~~ * Use bootstrap buttons everywhere. .. _Keep a Changelog: .. _Semantic Versioning: .. _1.0a1: .. _1.0a2: .. _2.0b0: .. _2.0b1: .. _2.0rc1: .. _2.0rc2: .. _2.0: .. _2.1: .. _2.2: .. _2.2.1: