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<title>Teckids at the rC3</title>
<meta name='date' content='2021-01-27' />
<meta name='authors' content='Niklas Bildhauer' />
<meta name='summary' content='Vom 27. bis 30. Dezember 2020 haben 13 Mitglieder des Teckids e.V. an der virtuellen "Remote Chaos Experience" (rC3) als Ersatz für den ausgefallenen Chaos Communication Congress teilgenommen. Trotz kleinerer technischer Schwierigkeiten war es aus Sicht unserer Teilnehmenden eine erfolgreiche und gelungene Veranstaltung.' />
<meta name='lang' content='de' />
<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">
From December 27th to 30th, 2020, 13 members of Teckids e.V. took part in
the virtual "Remote Chaos Experience" (rC3) as a replacement for the
cancelled Chaos Communication Congress. Despite minor technical
difficulties, it was seen as a sucessful and rewarding event by our
<img alt="rC3-Gruppe.png" class="filer_image" src="/images/posts/teckids-beim-rc3/pic_0.png" title="Group photo (© Dominik George)"/>
<span class="filer_image_info"> <span class="title"> Gruppenfoto (© Dominik
George) </span> </span>
In order to depict the Congress as realistically as possible, some elements
of the event were made into a 2D map, so the participants could gather for
the traditional group photo, for example. This also allowed for the creative
use of WorkAdventure, the software used to implement the 2D map.
The rC3 also offered the opportunity to attend various talks and workshops,
for example on the subject of encryption or software in public
administration, but also on the digitization of schools. There was also the
opportunity to exchange ideas about the school information system
<strong> Some comments from our members: </strong>
<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">
<em> Kirill Schmidt: </em> Two talks I found especially interesting were
"Youngsters as contributors" and "Bye-bye, end-to-end encryption?". The
latter showed the urgent need for the Freedombox session. I thought the idea
of the rC3-World was cool. The system was glitchy, howewer, not only during
our talk. I think the 36C3 was better.
<em> Lukas Weichelt: </em> I especially liked the rC3 because there was a
world where you could meet up and talk via Proximity Chat. I also liked the
talk on creating and modifying one's own Linux distro. It was about
extracting the ISOs and integrating an installer.
Also, there were badges hidden in the rC3 world. We reverse-engineered the
map in order to find the badges and submit them automatically. And I've
learned how to extract strings from a file and how to download files using
wget while automatically creating directories. Lastly, I've learned how to
build maps for WorkAdventure, the software used for the rC3 world.
<em> Benedict Suska: </em> I liked the rC3, even if it could not replace an
actual Congress. I liked the organisators' idea of realising some elements
of the real congress as a 2D map, as the rC3 felt more realistic when you
had to wait at meeting points.
Personally, I liked the talks which explained how the "Corona-Warn-App"
works and how you can replace their function with an ESP. Also, the talks on
the use of Office 365 in schools and the inclusion of backdoors in
end-to-end encyptions were informative and interesting.
A personal highlight was the talk "Youngsters as contributors", which I gave
together with Jonah, Kirill and Nik.
<em> Robert Seimetz: </em> I thought the rC3 was a nice replacement for a
real congress, but I would have much preferred the real 37c3. I disliked the
technical problems and the activation of certain functions 0.7356
femtoseconds before the congress. I found the talk about the Fediverse's
rose-colored glasses interesting. I also really liked the idea of
cyberspace, even though the implementation on the part of the community did
not work in some places.
<em> Jonathan Weth: </em> For me, the rc3 was the first time I took part in
a chaos event. I was very surprised by the variety of lectures, workshops
and activities. From EU politics to waffle baking - you could experience all
of this. I was astonished by the infrastructure the CCC worked with to run
this major digital event, and that it was possible to realise approx. 15 (I
think) streams simultaneously without using proprietary platforms such as
YouTube. Of course there were technical problems from time to time, but that
the implementation worked at all was admirable.
The most exciting and at the same time frightening was certainly the
presentation by two security researchers who found serious weaknesses in the
OK.Vote software for counting votes. The state of the German IT structure in
the healthcare sector was similarly frightening. System errors, per-se
incorrectly designed software and outdated equipment do not give a good idea
when it comes to protecting patient data.
Auch das Thema “Digitale Schule” hat vielfach Resonanz gefunden, so im
Vortrag “Jugendliche als Kontributoren” oder im persönlichen Austausch über
AlekSIS und <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer
nofollow" title=""> </a>
. Zusammenfassend haben mir die vier Tage sehr viel Spaß gemacht und ich
hoffe, dass ich evtl. nächstes Mal/dieses Jahr in echt dabei sein kann.
<em> Nikolas Scheer: </em> That was my first visit to rC3 and so far I have
enjoyed it a lot. I particularly liked the lecture on school tools, which
included a lot of programs that I was not yet familiar with. The lecture on
the history of text editing tools was also interesting. It started with the
first typewriter and ended with open (this means that everyone can view and
edit the code of the program) text editing tools. Then it was about the fact
that it is much safer to use open text programs than paid programs where you
don't know what is being sent back to the creator and where your
subscription can easily be withdrawn if, for example, your country is in
trouble with the manufacturer. In addition, it is also really important to
activate end-to-end encryption in your chats, because then people who want
to intercept the chat only get confused stuff (this is especially important
in form secrets), as I learned in a lecture. The lectures in English and the
political lectures were not so interesting. Then I wanted to go to the Git
workshop, but there were problems with me and other problems to find the
space. In the end, there was a very large selection of lectures, only a few
of which I could attend.