Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_, and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_. Unreleased ---------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Change the icon set to iconify. `2.3`_ - 2022-03-21 ------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Add support for notifications about current changes to the users' timetables. Fixed ~~~~~ * *All timetables* showed teachers and rooms from all school terms and not only the current. `2.2.1`_ - 2022-02-13 --------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Substitution table was not usable on mobile devices. `2.2`_ - 2022-01-12 ------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Ignore lesson background colour if it is the same as the foreground colour. * Added link to class register week view for users of the Alsijil class register. `2.1`_ - 2022-01-04 ------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Add support for automatically generating PDF files of substitutions plans on data changes. * Display warning if no timetable exists in one category. Changed ~~~~~~~ * The subject linked to a group can now be edited in the normal group edit form. * Names of subjects no longer have to be unique (short names still have to be). * Update German translations. Fixed ~~~~~ * Events replace normal lesson periods in all views. * Announcements weren't shown on substitutions printout. * Do registration of additional fields in `form_extensions` module. * Automatic plan update failed if objects were deleted. `2.0`_ - 2021-10-30 ------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Improve the formatting of the print version of the substitution plan * Reduce the page margin. * Reduce the space between the header and the heading. * Display block of absences as a table. Fixed ~~~~~ * Do not show substitutions on regular timetables. `2.0rc3`_ - 2021-09-24 ---------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Support dates for ``TimePeriod.get_datetime_start`` and ``TimePeriod.get_datetime_end``. * Update translations. Fixed ~~~~~ * ``Event.__str__`` returned a proxy type instead a string. `2.0rc2`_ - 2021-08-01 ---------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Drop usage of non-existing permission in permission rules for lesson substitutions. `2.0rc1`_ - 2021-06-23 ---------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Use semantically correct html elements for headings and alerts. `2.0b3`_ - 2021-06-16 ---------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Use a more speaking name for preference section ("Timetables" instead of "Chronos"). Fixed ~~~~~ * Preference section verbose names were displayed in server language and not user language (fixed by using gettext_lazy). * Affected groups and persons in substitutions list were displayed multiple times. * ``lessons_on_day`` didn't work as expected if a person has no lessons. * End of validity ranges list wasn't detected correctly in ``next_lesson``. `2.0b2` - 2021-06-02 -------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Migration path was ambigious * Unique constraints for breaks and substitutions were too tight * Absences in substitutions list were displayed multiple times. `2.0b1`_ - 2021-05-22 --------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Fix migration names and dependencies `2.0b0`_ - 2021-05-21 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Introduce validity range and link data to validity ranges. * Add option to link subjects to groups * Add search indices for rooms. * Show week version of smart timetable on desktop devices. * Add PDF export function for regular timetables. Changed ~~~~~~~ * Link week-related models not only to weeks, but also to years. * Optimise query count in timetable views. * Go to next week if current day is out of range (weekly timetable view). * Summarize double lessons in substitutions print view. * Show only parent groups in "Affected groups". Fixed ~~~~~ * Do not show dates in regular timetable. * Show correct tooltip for rooms in substitution table. * Show extra lessons in which a person is the new teacher in "My timetable". * Show translations for weekdays. * Show absent teachers in substitutions plan. * Show supervisions in substitutions plan. * Sort teacher short names alphabetically. * Sort substitutions table by parent groups if displaying parent groups is activated. * Make previous/next lesson API functions independent of the validity range. * Show only regular elements in regular timetable, don't include information like holidays. `2.0a2`_ - 2020-05-04 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Header box with absent and affected teachers and groups. * Provide smart plan for current day as dashboard widget. * Roles and permissions for timetable and lists. * Show events in timetable. * Show exams in timetable. * Show holidays in timetable. * Show supervision substitutions in timetable and list. Changed ~~~~~~~ * Improve handling of different types (substitutions, timetables,…). * Improve view for groups in timetable views. * More intelligent personal timetable (checks if current person is teacher,…). * Show announcements in timetable views. * Devs: Move prev/next function to models. * Devs: Rename field abbrev to short_name. Fixed ~~~~~ * Force all lessons in timetable to same height. * Render empty periods correctly. `2.0a1`_ - 2020-02-01 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Migrate to MaterializeCSS Changed ~~~~~~~ * Redesign filter ui for rooms, classes or teachers. * Rename person timetabe for current day to "smart plan". Fixed ~~~~~ * Catch error if no timetable data is available. `1.0a3`_ - 2019-11-24 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Add list of all future substitutions. * Devs: Add API to get date of a period. `1.0a2`_ - 2019-11-11 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Devs: LessonPeriod now has a custom QuerySet and manager for advanced filtering. Fixed ~~~~~ * Room plan includes substituted lessons now. `1.0a1`_ - 2019-09-17 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Support lesson cancellation. * Devs: Add fully pythonic API for calendar weeks. Fixed ~~~~~ * Redirect to correct date after editing a substitution. * Correctly display teachers for substituted lessons. * Use bootstrap buttons everywhere. .. _Keep a Changelog: .. _Semantic Versioning: .. _1.0a1: .. _1.0a2: .. _1.0a3: .. _2.0a1: .. _2.0a2: .. _2.0b0: .. _2.0b1: .. _2.0b2: .. _2.0b3: .. _2.0rc1: .. _2.0rc2: .. _2.0rc3: .. _2.0: .. _2.1: .. _2.2: .. _2.2.1: