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Resolve "[Lesson substitution] View with all lesson substitutions in the future"

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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from biscuit.core.util import messages
from .forms import SelectForm, LessonSubstitutionForm
from .models import LessonPeriod, TimePeriod, LessonSubstitution
from .util import CalendarWeek
from .tables import LessonsTable
from .tables import LessonsTable, SubstitutionsTable
@@ -160,3 +160,27 @@ def delete_substitution(request: HttpRequest, id_: int, week: int) -> HttpRespon
messages.success(request, _('The substitution has been deleted.'))
return redirect('lessons_day_by_date', when=wanted_week[lesson_period.period.weekday - 1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
def substitutions(request: HttpRequest, year: Optional[int] = None, week: Optional[int] = None) -> HttpResponse:
context = {}
if week:
wanted_week = CalendarWeek(year=year, week=week)
wanted_week = CalendarWeek()
substitutions = LessonSubstitution.objects.filter(week=wanted_week.week)
# Prepare table
substitutions_table = SubstitutionsTable(substitutions)
context['current_head'] = str(wanted_week)
context['substitutions_table'] = substitutions_table
week_prev = wanted_week - 1
week_next = wanted_week + 1
context['url_prev'] = '%s' % (reverse('substitutions_by_week', args=[week_prev.year, week_prev.week]))
context['url_next'] = '%s' % (reverse('substitutions_by_week', args=[week_next.year, week_next.week]))
return render(request, 'chronos/substitutions.html', context)