diff --git a/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py b/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py
index 245d2f9b59231aa34fcc7b219eb6078eefe7f93a..9a93bf5700e4dd9655d3e67eb29ab3e43a881be5 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py
+++ b/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py
@@ -508,6 +508,8 @@ class LessonSubstitution(ExtensibleModel):
 class LessonPeriod(ExtensibleModel):
+    label_ = "lesson_period"
     objects = LessonPeriodManager.from_queryset(LessonPeriodQuerySet)()
     lesson = models.ForeignKey("Lesson", models.CASCADE, related_name="lesson_periods")
diff --git a/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/elements.html b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/elements.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2a90559662ff9655ef828de555416a22a6ae2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/elements.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<div class="card lesson-card">
+  <div class="card-content">
+    {% for element in elements %}
+      {% if element.label_ == "lesson_period" %}
+        {% include "chronos/partials/lesson.html" with lesson_period=element %}
+      {% endif %}
+    {% endfor %}
+  </div>
diff --git a/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lesson.html b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lesson.html
index 8dc4f9fb2f264cfe188241502d298cf3e095ccf3..4ede1065ac1f7821410bc106e17bc6f599d6d669 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lesson.html
+++ b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lesson.html
@@ -1,131 +1,123 @@
 {% load i18n %}
-<div class="card lesson-card">
-  <div class="card-content">
-    {# Every element of the lesson #}
-    {% for lesson_period in lessons %}
-      <div style="
-              {# Display background color only if no badge exists and it is not the old room and there are no holidays #}
-              {% if not lesson_period.get_substitution.cancelled and not lesson_period.is_hol %}
-                {% if not lesson_period.room != lesson_period.get_room or type != 1 %}
-                  {% if lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_fg %}
-                    color: {{ lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_fg }};
-                  {% endif %}
-                  {% if lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_bg %}
-                    background-color: {{ lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_bg }};
-                  {% endif %}
-                {% endif %}
-              {% endif %}
-              "
-              {# Add CSS class for sub when it's a sub #}
-           class="{% if lesson_period.get_substitution and smart %}{% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}lesson-with-event{% else %}lesson-with-sub{% endif %}{% endif %}"
-      >
-        <p>
-          {% if lesson_period.is_hol and smart %}
-            {# Do nothing #}
-          {% elif lesson_period.get_substitution and smart %}
-            {% with sub=lesson_period.get_substitution %}
-              {# SUBSTITUTION #}
-              {% if type == "room" and lesson_period.room != lesson_period.get_room %}
-                {# When it's the old room, let it empty #}
-              {% elif lesson_period.get_substitution.cancelled %}
-                {# When a badge (cancellation, etc.) exists, then display it with the teacher#}
-                {# Class or room > Display teacher #}
-                {% if type == "group" or type == "room" and lesson_period.lesson.teachers.all %}
-                  {% include "chronos/partials/teachers.html" with teachers=lesson_period.lesson.teachers.all %}<br/>
-                {% endif %}
-                {# Badge #}
-                <span class="badge new green darken-2">{% trans "Cancelled" %}</span>
-              {% else %}
-                {# Display sub #}
-                {# Teacher or room > display classes #}
-                {% if type == "teacher" or type == "room" %}
-                  {% include "chronos/partials/groups.html" with groups=lesson_period.lesson.groups.all %}
-                {% endif %}
-                {# Display teacher with tooltip #}
-                {% include "chronos/partials/subs/teachers.html" %}
-                {# Display subject #}
-                {% include "chronos/partials/subs/subject.html" %}
-                {# Teacher or class > display room #}
-                {% if type == "teacher" or type == "group" %}
-                  {% include "chronos/partials/subs/room.html" %}
-                {% endif %}
-              {% endif %}
-              {# When it isn't a room or the old plan, then display the extra text (e. g. work orders) AND NOT A EVENT#}
-              {% if not lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}
-                {% if not type == "room"  or not lesson_period.is_old %}
-                  <br>
-                  <small>
-                    <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
-                  </small>
-                {% endif %}
-              {% endif %}
-              {# Display the extra text for events #}
-              {% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}
-                {% if type == 0 and lesson_period.substitution.table.classes == "" and lesson_period.substitution.table.rooms|length == 0 and lesson_period.substitutions.table.teachers|length == 0 %}
-                  <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
-                {% elif type == 2 and  lesson_period.substitution.table.teachers|length == 0  and  lesson_period.substitution.table.rooms|length == 0 %}
-                  <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
-                {% elif type == 1  and  lesson_period.substitution.table.teachers|length == 0 and lesson_period.substitution.table.classes == "" %}
-                  <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
-                {% else %}
-                  <br>
-                  <small>
-                    <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
-                  </small>
-                {% endif %}
-              {% endif %}
-            {% endwith %}
+<div style="
+        {# Display background color only if no badge exists and it is not the old room and there are no holidays #}
+        {% if not lesson_period.get_substitution.cancelled and not lesson_period.is_hol %}
+          {% if not lesson_period.room != lesson_period.get_room or type != 1 %}
+            {% if lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_fg %}
+              color: {{ lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_fg }};
+            {% endif %}
+            {% if lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_bg %}
+              background-color: {{ lesson_period.lesson.subject.colour_bg }};
+            {% endif %}
+          {% endif %}
+        {% endif %}
+        "
+        {# Add CSS class for sub when it's a sub #}
+     class="
+             {% if lesson_period.get_substitution and smart %}{% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}lesson-with-event{% else %}lesson-with-sub{% endif %}{% endif %}"
+  <p>
+    {% if lesson_period.is_hol and smart %}
+      {# Do nothing #}
+    {% elif lesson_period.get_substitution and smart %}
+      {% with sub=lesson_period.get_substitution %}
+        {# SUBSTITUTION #}
+        {% if type == "room" and lesson_period.room != lesson_period.get_room %}
+          {# When it's the old room, let it empty #}
+        {% elif lesson_period.get_substitution.cancelled %}
+          {# When a badge (cancellation, etc.) exists, then display it with the teacher#}
+          {# Class or room > Display teacher #}
+          {% if type == "group" or type == "room" and lesson_period.lesson.teachers.all %}
+            {% include "chronos/partials/teachers.html" with teachers=lesson_period.lesson.teachers.all %}<br/>
+          {% endif %}
+          {# Badge #}
+          <span class="badge new green darken-2">{% trans "Cancelled" %}</span>
+        {% else %}
+          {# Display sub #}
+          {# Teacher or room > display classes #}
+          {% if type == "teacher" or type == "room" %}
+            {% include "chronos/partials/groups.html" with groups=lesson_period.lesson.groups.all %}
+          {% endif %}
+          {# Display teacher with tooltip #}
+          {% include "chronos/partials/subs/teachers.html" %}
+          {# Display subject #}
+          {% include "chronos/partials/subs/subject.html" %}
+          {# Teacher or class > display room #}
+          {% if type == "teacher" or type == "group" %}
+            {% include "chronos/partials/subs/room.html" %}
+          {% endif %}
+        {% endif %}
+        {# When it isn't a room or the old plan, then display the extra text (e. g. work orders) AND NOT A EVENT#}
+        {% if not lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}
+          {% if not type == "room"  or not lesson_period.is_old %}
+            <br>
+            <small>
+              <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
+            </small>
+          {% endif %}
+        {% endif %}
+        {# Display the extra text for events #}
+        {% if lesson_period.substitution.table.is_event %}
+          {% if type == 0 and lesson_period.substitution.table.classes == "" and lesson_period.substitution.table.rooms|length == 0 and lesson_period.substitutions.table.teachers|length == 0 %}
+            <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
+          {% elif type == 2 and  lesson_period.substitution.table.teachers|length == 0  and  lesson_period.substitution.table.rooms|length == 0 %}
+            <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
+          {% elif type == 1  and  lesson_period.substitution.table.teachers|length == 0 and lesson_period.substitution.table.classes == "" %}
+            <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
           {% else %}
-            {# Normal plan #}
-            {# Teacher or room > Display classes #}
-            {% if type == "teacher" or type == "room" %}
-              {#                            {{ element_container.element.classes }}#}
-              {% if lesson_period.lesson.groups %}
-                {% include "chronos/partials/groups.html" with groups=lesson_period.lesson.groups.all %}
-              {% endif %}
-            {% endif %}
+            <br>
+            <small>
+              <em>{{ lesson_period.substitution.table.text|default:"" }}</em>
+            </small>
+          {% endif %}
+        {% endif %}
+      {% endwith %}
-            {# Class or room > Display teacher #}
-            {% if type == "room" or type == "group" %}
-              {% include "chronos/partials/teachers.html" with teachers=lesson_period.lesson.teachers.all %}
-            {% endif %}
-            {# Display subject #}
-            <strong>
+    {% else %}
+      {# Normal plan #}
+      {# Teacher or room > Display classes #}
+      {% if type == "teacher" or type == "room" %}
+        {#                            {{ element_container.element.classes }}#}
+        {% if lesson_period.lesson.groups %}
+          {% include "chronos/partials/groups.html" with groups=lesson_period.lesson.groups.all %}
+        {% endif %}
+      {% endif %}
+      {# Class or room > Display teacher #}
+      {% if type == "room" or type == "group" %}
+        {% include "chronos/partials/teachers.html" with teachers=lesson_period.lesson.teachers.all %}
+      {% endif %}
+      {# Display subject #}
+      <strong>
               <span data-position="bottom" class="tooltipped"
                     data-tooltip="{{ lesson_period.lesson.subject.name }}">{{ lesson_period.lesson.subject.abbrev }}</span>
-            </strong>
+      </strong>
-            {# Teacher or class > Display room #}
-            {% if type == "teacher" or type == "group" %}
-              {% if lesson_period.room %}
-                <span class="tooltipped" data-position="bottom"
-                      data-tooltip="{{ lesson_period.room.name }}">
+      {# Teacher or class > Display room #}
+      {% if type == "teacher" or type == "group" %}
+        {% if lesson_period.room %}
+          <span class="tooltipped" data-position="bottom"
+                data-tooltip="{{ lesson_period.room.name }}">
                                   <a href="{% url "timetable" "room" lesson_period.room.pk %}">
                                         {{ lesson_period.room.short_name }}
-              {% endif %}
-            {% endif %}
-          {% endif %}
-        </p>
-      </div>
-    {% endfor %}
-  </div>
+        {% endif %}
+      {% endif %}
+    {% endif %}
+  </p>
diff --git a/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lessons_col.html b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lessons_col.html
index abb2710a6a147d2bbc67ab17be784a6c52f5da69..2777e27251872cb1d8be2a040cd8c7b5af3ba694 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lessons_col.html
+++ b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/partials/lessons_col.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
       {% include "chronos/partials/period_time.html" with period=period periods=periods %}
     <div class="col s8">
-      {% include "chronos/partials/lesson.html" with lessons=lessons %}
+      {% include "chronos/partials/elements.html" with elements=lessons %}
 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/timetable.html b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/timetable.html
index 097874dff89f0db8f3c0ece886af7e459c53d5be..bb0cf82acc885ff9bf7fbe04264ed7a5c116acf2 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/timetable.html
+++ b/aleksis/apps/chronos/templates/chronos/timetable.html
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
         {% for col in row.cols %}
           {# A lesson #}
           <div class="col s2">
-            {% include "chronos/partials/lesson.html" with lessons=col %}
+            {% include "chronos/partials/elements.html" with elements=col %}
         {% endfor %}
@@ -197,17 +197,17 @@
           {#          &nbsp;#}
-      {% for period, lesson_periods_period in lesson_periods.items %}
+      {% for row in timetable %}
         <div class="row">
           <div class="col s4">
-            {% include "chronos/partials/period_time.html" with period=period periods=periods %}
+            {% include "chronos/partials/period_time.html" with period=row.period periods=periods %}
-          {% for weekday, lessons in lesson_periods_period.items %}
+          {% for col in row.cols %}
             {% if forloop.counter0 == i %}
               <div class="col s8">
                 {# A lesson #}
-                {% include "chronos/partials/lesson.html" with lessons=lessons %}
+                {% include "chronos/partials/elements.html" with elements=col %}
             {% endif %}
           {% endfor %}