Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_, and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_. `2.0rc1`_ - 2021-06-23 ---------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * Preference section verbose names were displayed in server language and not user language (fixed by using gettext_lazy). `2.0b0`_ - 2021-05-21 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Import data related to school terms and validity ranges. * Provide different Celery tasks for multiple import scenarios. Changed ~~~~~~~ * Rename permission rules to differentiate from internal permissions. Fixed ~~~~~ * Cleanly delete old break supervisions instead of just replacing them. * Do not import lessons without lesson periods. * Delete (supervision) substitutions which are out of their validity range. * Only import supervisions for the linked UNTIS term and not for all terms. * Import supervisions linked to a validity range. * Import absences with correct absence types and not None values. * Set teachers to an empty list if there are no original and no substitution teachers. * Call update_or_create without prefetched or joined data. Removed ~~~~~~~ * Remove support for XML import due to a lack of maintenance. `2.0a2`_ - 2020-05-04 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Import UNTIS data from MySQL * Import absence reasons * Import absences * Import breaks * Import classes * Import events * Import holidays * Import lessons * Import rooms * Import subjects * Import substitutions * Import supervision areas * Import teachers * Import time periods `1.0a1`_ - 2019-09-17 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Allow updating subjects, rooms and time periods from new import * Allow importing a new version of a timetable Changed ~~~~~~~ * Use bootstrap buttons everywhere Fixed ~~~~~ * Work around bug in Untis that wrongly splits classes if they contain spaces .. _Keep a Changelog: .. _Semantic Versioning: .. _1.0a1: .. _2.0a2: .. _2.0b0: .. _2.0rc1: